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From the delicious brains of Moonbite Games PadaOne Games and U&I Entertainment comes an enhanced and updated version of Zombeer, a first-person shooter that is an unapologetically irreverent homage to everything kick-ass about zombie movies and drinking beer.

With new narrative content from writers at Comedy Central, Zombeer is packed with humorous reference to classic zombie flicks of the past and, of course, a healthy supply of ammo and beer.

In the near (and some might say lucky) future, there is a pandemic as a result of a virus that transforms the world’s population into zombies. That’s not the lucky part – it’s this: Once bitten by a zombie, the only way to stave off the infection is drinking beer!

Playing as the hero “K,” a survivor inflicted with the zombie virus and a wicked perpetual hangover, players must make their way through the zombie apocalypse managing a balance of sobriety and carnage to find his girlfriend Karen and get out before it’s too late!

Key Features

Enhanced For Your (PC) Pleasure: The updated and enhanced version of Zombeer has been optimized to maximize PC players experience. Refined controls, interactivity and improved weapons are just some of the additionsl made to ensure a visceral good time.

More Jokes For That Tasty Funny Bone: Zombeer brings the funny with new story content from writers at Comedy Central

New Tunes To Tease The Braaaiinnn!: Zombeer includes an update soundtrack with new music for Red Bull Record’s own Five Knives and more! All perfectly suited to jam to while raising hell in the zombie apocalypse.

Headshots are the very best: Players can now score headshots off zombies with bloody satisfying results. Remember to always double tap and don’t be stingy with the bullets.

Chug, Chug, Chug: Find the perfect balance of sobriety and carnage as players must chug Zombeer to prevent turning into one themselves , but be careful, too much of that stuff will make you hurl, limiting your mobility.
Release date
PadaOne Games
Moonbite Studios
Moonbite Games
PadaOne Games, U&I Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Wii U

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Window Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8
  • Processor: 2.00 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or similar
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512 MB DirectX® 10—compliant with Shader Model 4.0 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 10—compliant (5.1 surround sound recommended)
  • Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
  • OS: Window Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8
  • Processor: 2.00 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or similar
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1024 MB DirectX® 10—compliant with Shader Model 4.0 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 10—compliant (5.1 surround sound recommended)
  • Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store

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Zombeer reviews and comments

This is neither worth your time nor your money
«Waste of time»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Zombeer is a damn bad Zombie FPS. The Graphics are still reasonably missable thanks to the Unity Engine, but when you consider that the Game of 2015 is you think to yourself "Uff that looks pretty bad!" The Gameplay jaa what to say about typical Zombie FPS. Ball Zombies and slide from Level section to Level section at quite a Cucumber speed. The Story has interested me in frankly zero because it is, from my Point of view, complete Nonsense. What bothers me most about this Game is simply the Gameplay itself. The Mouse feels totally spongy and the Hit boxes of the Opponents is soo bad is a Miracle if you meet at all. At the same time, targeting is totally bugbeg. Now honestly, if you Aim With the right Mouse button, then you should be allowed to move or not? That's when the Developers said ... You are not allowed to do a mane. Who had this Decision Sorry But there I just pack on my Head. Zombeer is not worth £550, let alone the less even when it's in Sale. Haven't been so weak In a long Time! So leave the Fingers of each case.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Zombeer! Zombies, Beer ... You already understand There are games like this, you've never heard of. Then at some point on the Sidelines you get something from the Game and think to yourself like this: What should why not. Zombeer is just as much a Game. Somehow hidden in the Depths of Steam, and yet has its own Charm that it doesn't even need to hide. Story & Gameplay What could be better than to wake up and nibbled to see that the Zombie Apocalypse Has actually been spounded within your pre-evening Beer Comas. So you go in search of your Loved One, equipped with a Six-pack and a Nail Gun to maybe save when time is The World. The Concept of Throwing yourself in with zombeer to prevent you from becoming a Lalking, Brain-loving Wobble wobble is quite nice, only one rarely gets into Distress because beer bottles lie around everywhere As if at a good Student Party, in order to have your own Preview Add up or add some beer to your pocket With small Mini-games. The Nail Gun is something else, only unfortunately the Controls feel a bit spongy and the Zombies play even at Headshots ball ... Ume I mean my Nail Sponges ... Nail Cushions. What I mean by this is often just enough for several Head shots to bring the Cemetery Dispatcher Back underground. Of course, you get other Totmakers in the Course of the Game, but either the Ammunition is too scarce or the Enwickers had a Hardware Store as a sponsor, because sometimes you end up with The Nail Gun again and again. You only have to Worry about your own Life if you get really overrant. Otherwise, as typical, just stop and heal the Wounds as if by itself. Graphics & Sound The Cartoon look fits wonderfully with this Game and the Sound Backdrops also scores exactly. Especially when it comes to making the Humor even better. There is a Thumbs up from me because I felt well entertained and because the small Price is also convincing. In Addition, Zombeer apparently contains more Easter Eggs than a Chicken Has Feathers. (If Necessary, everyone can count themselves). Ps: For Spelling Mistakes, the Reviewer assumes no Liability and pushes the Blame onto his Keyboard.
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