Zombie Town

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There's no wrong way to survive in the apocalypse; so long as you survive.

Sneak or bash your way past hordes of undead as you focus your energies on... whatever you feel is most important! Survival isn't just about collecting food and a shotgun anymore. The swarms of zombies keep growing which forces you to work together in a desperate attempt to build something worth defending. Using the radio as a guide, you can foray into the city to hunt down powerful enemies, rescue lost survivors and engage in whatever mission you feel is worth the effort.

Should you succeed in building a safe haven for numerous survivors your journey will not end there. The zombie forces will grow stronger every hour that you evade them and before long the more powerful mutants will become a serious threat to your colony's existence.

Every choice could be the difference between life and death for your group.

You discover this journal while scavenging an apartment building:

DAY 1: The Voice on the Radio

I didn't have much when I set out to find other survivors, but it turned out to be enough. While sneaking from house to house, I came across a small group of zombies that were huddled around the noise of a crackling radio. My eyes widened at the sight, as a functioning radio might give me the opportunity to find other survivors. I loaded m gun, said a quick prayer and then moved into the street with my gun leveled at the nearest zombie's head. It took the rest of my ammo, but I managed to kill every zombie in a matter of seconds.

The radio came to life when I picked up the receiver. "Oh thank god," said the voice, as the man on radio gave me a recap of what had happened to his friends on this side of the connection. He told me that this might be a good place to set up for a base and that he'd help me gather up other survivors. He didn't give me his name and I didn't ask for it.

With the radio man's help, I managed to sneak throughout the city and meet up with other groups who needed my assistance. They didn't want to join my base just yet, but I think I started to win a few over.

DAY 2: Walls First, Storage Second

Night time scavenging was pretty dangerous but worth it; I picked up a sweet katana and a sturdy riot helmet, among other useful things. It's funny, with all the gaming consoles out there that use batteries for their controllers, I have an almost limitless supply of flashlight batteries. I don't even bother picking them up anymore!

Sleep was well earned once I returned from my night of scavenging but as soon as I could get out of bed I did so with earnest. It was noon and I had a call on the radio to go help defend a stranded survivor. Without hesitation, and secretly hoping that this person would join my group, I grabbed my gear and headed out.

Alexandra was her name and wow could she swing a bat! I figured softball had to have been where she learned because I have never seen zombie heads flung so effortlessly before. We fought off the zombies surrounding the house he was squatting in and once things quieted down I asked her to join my base. Didn't take much convincing as she appeared to be doing pretty poorly on her own and with that I had my first teammate!

On the way back to the base we picked up enough materials to build up the walls and add on to the storage shed. Alexandra even volunteered to do the next scavenging run so that I could take a break.

DAY 7: A Lot of Luck

There hasn't been much time to write. Between the arrival of the zombie dogs and birds recently and the lack of food, things have been dicey. Nobody has died, but I am starting to feel like there have been too many close calls lately. Alexandra was trapped by zombies when a zombie bird called out her location. If a random stranger hadn't joined her at the last moment she would have died. I had my own close call when my katana broke, but some quick thinking to use a stimulant gave me the adrenaline necessary to outrun my problems.

Two more people have joined us and the medical facility has finally been completed. We started pumping out medical kits but bandages aren't going to feed us. I will get on the radio and lead a group on a food scavenging mission tonight.

DAY 8: Steve

It's my fault he died. I think he said his name was Steve but I'm having trouble remembering. I was leading a group of three other random survivors that responded to my radio call to hunt for food. Things were going well, until the biggest zombie I've ever seen smashed his way into the house we were looting. Steve, or whoever he was, never had a chance. The thing ripped his arms off like they were an ant's antennae. It took all three of us to bring it down. I should have been watching outside instead of being so concerned about making sure I got a fair share of the food being scavenged. RIP.

DAY 9: Working Hard

We got enough food to last a few weeks. Finally. I gotta sleep.


Alexandra died. Her bat broke on a zombie and three of its friends took her down. I should have been there. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!

DAY 14: Why write a title anymore

There's no more ammo. The others are all dead. It's just me again. If not for the man on the radio letting me know that there are people out there who need my help, I don't think I would keep going.

DAY 15:

Damn it. I'm bit. This hurts like hell. I managed to stop the bleeding but I definitely am getting a fever. The infection can be beat and I have enough medical kits from when we stockpiled them. I think I'll be ok.


The last page is torn.
Release date
Chris Antoni
Rob Guenther
Chris Antoni
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Visa / 7
  • Processor: Direct X9.0 Compatible Card
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Direct X9.0 Compatible Card
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 120 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Yes
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Product received for free "Zombie Town" 2D Survival in the postapocalyptic world of zombies. Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diGeARM2GUk The Beginning of the game. The Answer to the question: "Why do I have to pass the training level all the time?": The Game starts with a learning level. It is our base, which we will equip and where we will return after the missions. Here we will bring the survivors saved. On our base three buildings with a workshop (in it it is possible to repair and master all sorts of things), laboratory (here it is possible to make first aid kits and syringes) and a warehouse (store all collected good). If you collect enough resources (food, medicines and materials), the base can be improved. For Example, you can improve the base walls, so that it does not wade zombies (some times on return to your nest you can meet wandering on the base of zombies, which will have to be cleaned before you go to the next task). You can expand the capacity of the warehouse and increase the number of beds for survivors. Co-op mode and mission: There is a radio On the base. This is a beacon of hope in the Dark world of zombies. It catches the survivors ' signals. From It we receive the information, and accordingly and tasks. We Pass to the end of the base to the tent with radio and choose a mission. The First in the list is cooperative mode. These are the missions that other players pass at this very moment. If someone is online and is on a mission, you can join one of the players and take his mission together. Keep in mind that each of you has its own base, after the completion of the mission, each will go to continue his (separate) game! The Meaning of the coop. Passing missions is that over time you are pumping, zombies are also getting stronger. It will be difficult to Overcome them alone. In the beginning, the help of other players seems completely unnecessary, but later it comes in handy. The more interesting to play, when the level of running and Mochit zombie Real man! On the other hand, you have to share a valuable loot. The Second point in the radio can choose the mode without a task. It is a hunt for experience and a meadow without a definite purpose. Next is a few different missions. They are randomly generated. There are missions for survival, cleanup, finding other survivors who can be take to their base. Please Note that after completing the mission you are not automatically thrown into the base, and give to collect loot. To leave the completed task and return to the base you need to use the "ESC" key, as when exiting the game! Survivors. The Answer to the question: "Why do I start the game from the beginning after the death of a character?": Survivors (Saved by you people) is a separate topic. At the very beginning of the game you are given control of one survivor. It is generated randomly and is distinguished by strength, intellect and agility. For example, the girl is weaker and will quickly get tired and exhale when running and waving weapons. This survivor you control, if he dies, then the game begins from the beginning. But If you manage to save other survivors on missions, they appear on your base and you can switch between them. And if one of the survivors that you managed to die, you will be able to continue the game, playing for the remaining inhabitants of your base. So do not miss a mission with the rescue of people. It's like an extra life for you that will allow you to continue the game instead of starting from the beginning. Survivors gain experience for killing enemies. When The experience bar is accumulated, you will be able to improve strength, intelligence or agility. The game has a lot of luta. Inventory Capacity is limited, in the beginning everyone can carry no more than six things + can put on the armor, helmet and take up arms. It is not Thought that if you raise things with full inventory, they disappear, and do not stay on the ground, as in other games! Therefore, make sure that there is always a free slot in your inventory, so that the valuable thing you could get is not dissolved in the air. You can lay out extra items in the vault (chest) on the base or destroy the unwanted item directly in your inventory. All weapons in the game have an indicator of damage, protection and wear. It can be repaired at the base of the workshop, but it is easier to take a new one. The game has a change of day and night. Quite a curious game, despite the fact that the menu pushes off its unattractive appearance. A Little disassembled and accustomed to the management begin to understand that it is painfully familiar genre survival. As They say: «The same eggs, only in the profile». In our case in 2D with bizarre design and unusual graphics. You can read other reviews and subscribe to our curators. Welcome! 5 minutes of game
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