Zorla's Tavern
Hi there! Come to our friendly neighborhood tavern to enjoy drinks with fellow adventurers and take on quests! Heheheh… I mean, no eldritch horror here, just a friendly place to rest! Definitely not a trap!
A web version with larger resolution can be found on Kongregate
For a much more relaxing experience, play on a touchscreen device.
The html5 port is made immediately after Ludum Dare 46(PC version is unchanged), with the following changes:
Fixed a bug where Zorla dies after winning
Fixed a bug where mute key activates every frame M key is pressed
Fixed a bug where speech bubbles changes too quickly
Fixed a bug where a big tentacle was 90 degrees off while growing
Gibs on death are hard-coded in html5 and slightly different
Music only starts after main menu and do not reset due to browser sound autoplay issues
You cannot alt-enter to fullscreen in html5, so no text indicating so
Due to touchscreen fat fingers, item collision box is enlarged in IOS and android