Games starting with 1
10mg: Locked In (itch)10mg: Sealed Estate10mg: Sealed Estate (itch)10mg: SLASHER, Interrupted10mg: SLASHER, Interrupted (itch)10mg: SNAAAK10mg: SNAAAK (itch)10mg: Stroke10mg: Stroke (itch)10mg: You are such a Soft and Round Kitten.10mg: You are such a Soft and Round Kitten. (itch)10 Miglia10Miglia by Marco's Retrobits10 Miles To Safety10 Million Mouths10 minGame!10Min game10minsTry10 minute apocalypse10 Minute Barbarian10 Minute Game10 Minute Game Dev Challenge10 Minute GameDev Challenge - Flappy Bird10 Minute Game (JoshSucks)10 Minute Games Challenge - Mouse Grab!10 Minute Goblin Romp10 Minute Platformer10minute RPG10MINUTES10 minutes 1 hour 2 hours10 minutes challenge10 minutes Game10-Minutes Game Jam #1 - Fly Away! (remastered version)10 Minutes Game Jam #2 - Replicate10 minutes games10MINUTES (itch)10 Minutes Late10 Minutes of Hell10 Minute Solution10 Minutes Past 4:2010 Minutes Till Dawn10 minutes till midnight10 Minutes to Depth10 minutes to instability10 minutes to save the world10 minutes wasted10 Minute Tower10 Minute War10 Mississippi10 Mississippi (itch)10 More Bullets10nis10: Nothing is explained10ntropy10 Numbers in Under 10 Seconds10 One Tap Unity Games Bundle10 pieds sous neige10 Pin Bowling (VR Support)10pinMP10 Pin Shuffle Bowling10 Pin Shuffle Pro Bowling10 Pin Shuffle Tournaments10pm10PrintChr$wler10 PRINT Pico 810 PRINT WORLD10 Pro Board Games10 Rapid Prototypes10 Rolls10 Rooms10 Rooms 100 Seconds10 Rooms (RARka)10 Rounds10run10S10s3c0nds10S ARENA10S-Assembler10s Bar Brawl10s Chicken v0.1_Mobile10s Chicken v0.1_PC10s Delirium10 Sec Click10-Sec Game10 sec Hacking10 Sec Hero10 sec of Fame10 SECOND ASCENCION10 Second Assassin10 Second Backdoor10 second base10-Second Bomb Squad10 Second Boss10SecondBunniee10 Second Card Game - Ludum Dare 27 (Theme: "10 Seconds")10 second clicker10 Second DASH10SecondDay10 second delivery guy10 Second DJ10 Second Dojo10 Second Dragon Feeder10 Second Dungeon10 Second Farm10-second focus10 Second Game10 Second Game (SamOgDev)10-Second Game (Shelfed)10 Second Ginger Demo10 Second Gladiator10-Second Hell10 Second Insults10 Second Interview10 Second Lander10 second laps10-Second Magic Artist AI10 second maze10Second Mechanism10SecondMision10 Second Mixtape10 Second Ninja10 Second Ninja X10 Second Pet10 Second Pizza Delivery10 Second Plan10 Second Potato Salad10 Second Rule10 Second Run10-Second Run10 Second Run 210-second run*game jam*10 Second Runner10 Second Runner (Dom3005)10 Second Run RETURNS10 seconds10_SECONDS10Seconds10seconds2Mars10 Seconds, 9 Lives10 Seconds Ago10 Seconds Ambush10 Seconds Arcanoid10 Seconds Bro Mobile10 Seconds Checkmate10 seconds classics10 Second Scribbles10 Second Script10 Seconds Cycle Strikers10 Seconds Defense10 Seconds Disasters