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Is it OK to prejudge the game before the release?

Comment from Juri
I mean, sometimes you can say that the gameplay is questionable after watching trailers, for example. Or you can not like the setting. But I see so much “critics” on the Internet (not professional gamers or journalists) that say the game is bad - but they haven’t tried it yet. Of course, I understand that it's strange to love everything about vampires if you like the theme in general, but this prejudice without any arguments pisses me off. 
Oh, honey, it’s just like the Internet works. people are always ready to find mistakes and problems in everything they see, and the gaming community is very toxic at this point. Just learn not to pay much attention to this.
Top Dawger
I decided not to wait much from any game I buy. And, of course, don’t take seriously all the crap people post on the Internet. If I see that trailers are good, if I like the setting, I give a game a chance. Just like with Vampyr. And now I see complaints from some gamers, but personally I didn’t notice something ruining this game for me. So I advise you stop reading toxic messages and focus on your own feeling about promo materials or, at least, professional opinions.