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Paper Mario: The Origami King review
by Brian Henry

Where's the ✨flavor✨? Aside from a few really funny dialogue lines, this was overall just uninspired. You might even say it was....flat. 📄

Also the combat system was bonkers and mostly annoying.

Thousand Year Door still reigns supreme.

Other reviews3

Loved this game, pretty much anything I could want in a Paper Mario.  I do wish the battle system rewarded even a minor grind, but the story is fun and whimsical, making up for any minuses the game might have.   It tells a complete story, but be aware of no endgame content for the most part. 
Awesome humor and its always a fun time to have a narrative experience in a Mario game. The locations and world were extremely well made and look beautiful. The battle system was interesting but repetitive and the game was overly long. 
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