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Assassin's Creed II review
by Fer

Grandioso: 8'5/10

Mejora en todos los aspectos a su predecesor, viéndose reflejado sobre todo en el parkour, el cual pese a seguir manteniendo muchos fallos se vuelve más a meno que en el anterior.

El comienzo para mi gusto es un poco brusco pero no demasiado y cumple su función como introducción a la trama que marcará el juego, en el cual tomaremos el papel de Ezio un joven mujeriego que acaba siendo asesino por infortunios de la vida, me gustaría recalcar la maduración progresiva del personaje y como se nos presentan muchos personajes históricos con los cuales Ubisoft juega para dar jugo a la historia, algo que no se supo aprovechar para nada en el primero.

A criticar la única escena en la cual controlamos a Altair, puesto que no tiene sentido alguno y parece que solo muestra una escena de cariño con su amante de manera gratuita, de todas formas si que están muy interesantes las notas que éste deja y mediante las cuales conseguimos ver ese conflicto personal que Altair presentaba después de los sucesos del primer juego.

La historia es muy buena y hay un gran surtido de misiones secundarias y coleccionables, el juego se hace muy entretenido y es difícil aburrirse.

Las pegas que le pongo al título es la cantidad abrumadora de bugs que presenta, su combate tosco y aburrido, fallos en el parkour y unas misiones del tramo final del juego que parece un claro homenaje al primer título, puesto que consiste en hacer lo mismo durante 9 misiones

He jugado un total de 27 horas al título en el día de realizar esta reseña.

Other reviews16

To this date still the best Assassins Creed game.
«Blew my mind»
This was the last game I tried to run in my low spec laptop long back. And finally I got to complete. I came to this from Ghost of Tsushima, so the graphical difference was jarring, but that was easy to get over.

The 2 things that I had major problems was the janky overloaded controls and the lack of feather map. 

Other than that the game was a very unique idea with awesome background music. Cool mechanics, cool protagonist and cool side characters.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
A stellar sequel.
Combat has been streamlined, Italy is designed beautiful and fun to traverse and Ezios character and story is fantastic.
«Blew my mind»
Assassin’s Creed II took all the aspects that the first game did well and improved on it such as the gameplay and world design. The game also features one of the greatest video game protagonists through a compelling narrative set to one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Although it may not be the first game, Assassin’s Creed II is what blew the franchise up to the levels that has allowed it to continue a decade later.
«Beaten more than once»
This was the first 'Assassin's Creed' game that I ever played; thus, I didn't really know what to expect.

Ubisoft completely blew me away from the get-go.

The characters, story, soundtrack, environment, and everything else all added up to be one of the most enjoyable and action-packed games I've ever played. Sure, there were some trailing missions here and there, but the real meat of the game was so fun! Ezio (or should I say Desmond?) is such a likable protagonist and his story was instantly intriguing.

If you've never played this game before, or any other game in the franchise, I implore you to give this one a chance. I am certain you'll (at the very least) find it to be an entertaining experience!
«That ending!»
«OST on repeat»
Great game. Parkour, fighting, plot, graphics, puzzles - I enjoyed everything. Leonardo da Vinci was really likeable and historical Italy is magnificent.
arguabley the best AC, I wouldn't say so, but its influence and last impression on gaming and the Ubisoft formula can't be overstated.
Really perfects what AC1 was going for.
Excellent character and environment design, and the initial cutscenes are short and set the atmosphere of the game perfectly. But as with the entire series until AC4 (which I haven't played yet), these games have serious pacing problems. They're all probably 10-15 hours longer than they need to be, jam-packed with pointless filler that repeatedly threatens to put me to sleep. And the parkour and combat mechanics have longstanding issues that I'm hoping AC4 will resolve.
«Oh God i managed it»
Man this was good
A great way to learn architecture. I found it very interesting to read the history of building foundations from the pop-up notes on the screen. It was as if I had been on a tour of medieval Florence, Tuscany, Venice and other places in Renaissance Italy. And Jesper Kyd's soundtrack was a great addition to this atmosphere of exploration.
«Blew my mind»