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BioShock review
by Rafael Gazola Ghedini

«Can’t stop playing»
«That ending!»
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews27

BioShock (PC) - Finished on August 15, 2020.
«Blew my mind»
Greatest ending ever. 
«That ending!»
That ending really twisted my nutsack 11/10 fr
«Blew my mind»
You have to play this, but play the remaster.
Best Game
«Beaten more than once»
Objectivism is another desire to understand the world around us with our minds.

Another idea to create a utopia, but this time away from people and in an exotic place. All such ideas descend into etatism and totalitarianism. Especially if it is a backwater city, from which it is not as easy to escape as it is to enter.

This bright idea based on a libertarian model of society has fallen because of an insane leader and one smuggler. The struggle for power and self-interest led to the collapse of society.

Overall the game is very deep (I don't mean ocean), and brings out a lot of philosophical ideas. And of course the steampunk stylistics combined with the 50's era are just awesome to look at.
«Blew my mind»
Overall: 8/10
Gameplay: 8/10 (Would have been 9.5/10 at the time it came out, but has since aged out of its prime and the later games in the series do the same mechanics but better.)
Story: 8/10
Music: 9/10

More detailed review to come. (WIP)
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»