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The Whispered World Special Edition review
by Rafael Gazola Ghedini

«Can’t stop playing»
«That ending!»
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews3

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Story and Characters have succeeded very well. The Humour is really very pleasant and I couldn't resist a Smile either. The Voices are really good but under Lip Syncron I understand something else. At SE, the Developers are also kjommentare, some of which are really poorly set to music and often incomprehensible. In addition, the one Developer (green) Stalls all the Time and hardly brings out a Sentence without Interruption. The Music is really terrific and just beautiful and coherent. The Puzzles are, for the most part, just annoying. But this is only because most of the Puzzles are illogical and the Solution of these is often absurd and has no context. Notes are In short supply. It seems like you had to install a Puzzle in one Place, whether it makes sense or not. Spoiler! Distorive Oil from Olives. A Sliding Puzzle in which you quickly saw the Picture at the very Beginning and that then almost has to be solved at the End. Using a Note On Which the Daily Routine is written and which the Brother has written set a Clock and then summon an Oracle. SPOILER ENDE! That's what Other Adventures like "The Book of Unwritten Tales" do much better. I can't make a Recommendation here or call the Adventure bad. It's just balanced. But Since you have to give a Thumb, I give YES. The SE is not worth it at all!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
For me, this Game is by Far (!) the best Point & Click Adventure Game I've played so far. If you have a wide Grin on your Lips after just a few Seconds of the Game, then you just know you're right here. With "The Whispered World," the Creators of the Game just did everything right. A "must have" for any Fan of Point & Click Games. Cons:-The saved Game Scores show only date/time, no Image. This makes finding a particular Saved scene almost impossible to Positive: + The Story: Imcredibly well thought out, exciting to the End And a great, touching Ending + The Characters: All fitting, adorable and special + The setting ( German + English): Awesome! It's worth playing the Game in more than just one Language + The Humor: Plenty and just as I like it. I particularly Liked Sadwick'S slightly depression-inspired Manner + The Graphics: Like a 2D comic, but beautifully drawn with great Attention to Detail + The Puzzles: Varied, usually easily solvable and therefore also very entertaining and conducive to gameplay. Only a few Puzzles I found too heavy and needed a Walkthrough for this. But overall, the Puzzles fit the Story and didn't seem like nothing more occurred to the Creators. + The Game control is simple, if sometimes Slightly cumbersome (Click on Object/Person offers a Selection Window for view, address, touch) + Many Storage spaces for self-stored Game scores conclusion: One of the few Games That cost the full Purchase price Earned. So if you like well thought out and well-implemented Point & Click adventure Games, don't wait for a Sale – Buy! Buy! Buy!