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Age of Empires: Definitive Edition review
by Rafael Gazola Ghedini

10/10 - A CLASSIC!!
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews3

What do you expect? It’s still the same gameplay, campaign and mechanics. The graphics is of course slightly improved, but this is still a great old game we all loved. And if you haven’t tried it, do it now, it’s one of the best strategies ever made.
This remake is a definition of disappointment. It doesn’t really upgrade the original AoE, it just brings a high-res HD picture. Needless to say, there has been "upatch HD", a community mod with widescreen, HD support, bug fixes, and other upgrades, which is totally free and much more fun that this "Definitive Edition". The $20 price tag is just a fraud, don’t buy it.