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Redline review
by Luke Irvin

This game is unfortunately unplayable now. I was able to get this game to successfully run only one time, and then every time afterwards it crashed. The gameplay I did get, was not very good even for a 90s era shooter. Overall, would not recommend.
«Buggy as hell»
«Disappointment of the year»

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One of the forerunner of the current Gonko/shooters. In those days, when the GTA were still two-dimensional, it was already possible to shoot at their 2nd, it was possible to ride their own/not 4, it was possible to combine the previous 2 points in the fact that no 3D. -The Graphics already then (1999 year) was Vyviglaznoy, in 2017om the same... M-Da...-Game Horror What a short (5.5 hours for the single, it's me still the teas were chasing). -As the only game in the Universe Redline, it does not reveal the setting-mysterious insiders almost do not appear. The Theme of origin of the local apocalypse is not disclosed. The Leadership of some gangs is not paid attention in the plot. Etc. -WHERE IS THE SEQUEL??? -+ jumps in difficulty. That Easy breeze fly through the levels without straining, then reboot after each shot. -+ If you take time spent outside the car, it is a typical shooter of the time. Nothing new to the design of the gun GG (gun one, but as much as 10 interchangeable nozzles to it), the game in the genre of "Dumoodobnyh games" did not. -+ voice-overs are beautiful, sometimes terrible... In those years it was so often... + gameplay in general. OLD, kind, lamp. Postrelushki Pekodrom organically combined with the need to skate and shoot. Especially successful mechanics of the battle on the slippers, because in addition to the already mandatory front guns and mortars, there are also side guns. It's a Breeze, it's nice. In Addition, each wheelbarrow is unique, each has its own appearance, its own set of guns, respectively, it generates a unique style of driving for each. For example, the standard Red 6 fishes have only frontal lasers, but are endless. The Armor is also weak. Company vans have machine guns in front and battered, there are guidance rockets and mines. At Leperov, IMHO, in general the most powerfully packed guns cars. So. It is a Pity that because of the short duration there is no time to feel it for real. + Music. He Plays only on holidays (well, the entire 9th mission). But when the Muse is playing, it is very cool and joyful) + Setting. What We had time to show for the short duration of the campaign intrigued. I would like to supplement... + Dialogues. The Characters in the game is not so much, really can only be allocated two, but what-the Bosses of the Company and Red 6, Liddy and Rand. The Second as a radio host would have stuck for the belt of the Fredoga of Foul 3, the first is an outrageous gnome all and all, especially gets the hero, if he suddenly dares to move the horses during the mission of the Company. Game for lovers of gray antiquity and historians of gambling, I recommend taking a solid discount, primarily because of the graphics, duration, and, like, the divorce has long collapsed, so that they will not be able to support them.