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AdVenture Capitalist review
by Luke Irvin

Pretty decent cookie clicker type game, has a few extra features that make it stand out.

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A pretty boring and generic game. Other clicker games are better.
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Microsoft from Swedish
Slukar batteri och kraschar typ en gng per minut Hey there! Can you let us know your device model and your iOS version as well? We're looking into the game crashes right now and this info will be a big help!
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Microsoft from Italian
It gives you that fake game satisfaction of earning something but in the end it does everything by itself practically, it would be more interesting with a shop of clothes that can be bought with normal money but I still understand the need since it does not present any invasive advertising and runs well.
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Microsoft from Italian
The idea is not bad, only that you have to really wait too long to be able to get enough money to start other companies / companies and often it happens that I forget to open it for days, just because it's not a game to spend time with if you don't has nothing to do ...
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Microsoft from Spain
Conection error and crash, its all i get from this new update. :( Hey there, Tanner! This was caused by an outage with the PlayFab system; however, this has been fixed and you should be able to access the game again without any issue :) As for the crashing, can you confirm your device model and iOS version as well?
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I found the game through an advertisement, installed it and tried it out. I think it's great. You can pass the time here and there by leveling your business with the (gambling) money you earn. Although the game is, unfortunately, only in English, you can still play it very well. I think it's great
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Microsoft from Spain
It kicks me out 90% of the times that I try to watch an ad for a speed boosters or angels... and sometimes when I open it again I have less buiness angels... That's no good! Crashing like this is most often the result of low RAM. Can you please try playing the game without any other apps running in the background? Please also ensure you're connected to a strong, stable wifi network as well. If these crashes keep happening, please let us know at [email protected] so we can help further!
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Microsoft from Spain
No action against cheaters are done around here. When any event has 5 min of live there is (at least) 15 or 20 players with sextillions of septillions of octillions of business angels. I complained Many times but useless. Dont pay any money. You are not gonna win anything (legally) We hear you! Cheaters are frustrating for everyone! Our team goes in and removes any clear cheaters near the end of the event so be sure to check back then. If you have additional questions, we can be reached at [email protected].