Então, Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker é um jogo totalmente completo, desenvolvido pela Soleil (ALELUIA ABANDONARAM A CC2 E TÃO USANDO A UNREAL ENGINE) e distribuído pela gloriosa BANDAI NAMCO. O jogo "se passa" (na realidade ele não possui um 'modo história' assim como qualquer outro jogo do naruto) no período de transição entre os universos de Naruto e Boruto, sendo o jogo um gênero de ação e aventura misturado com RPG, totalmente online, e são perceptíveis as semelhanças deste game (que provavelmente pode ter sido baseado) no Dragon Ball Xenoverse, jogo de ação e aventura com elementos de RPG, totalmente online.
Prós: Boa otimização, (POR SINAL, UM EXEMPLO DE OTIMIZAÇÃO PRA CC2, PQP, ESSE JOGO É BONITO E RODA BEM EM QUALQUER TORRADEIRA) gráficos com efeitos cartoonizados, porém, muito bem trabalhado, dando a verdadeira sensação de que 'misturaram' o anime com o mangá. Ótimo sistema de criação e personalização de personagem, e também um ótimo sistema do que chamamos de 'classe', com possibilidades de armamentos, jutsus e equipamentos diferentes
Contras: Apesar do jogo ser totalmente online, há também as missões em realidade virtual, (QUE POR SINAL, ALGUMAS SÃO UM SACOOOOOOOOOO) que, na maioria de suas vezes, são muito repetitivas, independente de rank que você jogue, poucas pessoas jogando no multiplayer (isso não é um 'contra', tendo em vista que não é um problema do jogo em si, porém, se tem poucas pessoas jogando, algo de tedioso tem no jogo) e um sistema um pouco quebrado na hora de selecionar os mestres e tal, pq existem DLC's para tal, (??) e isso quebra bastante, tendo em vista que muitas pessoas que jogam/jogarão o game, provavelmente não estarão interessadas em pagar mais do que já pagaram no jogo (doloridos R$ 140,00 por sinal).
Eh isto.
«Disappointment of the year»
Other reviews2
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
So Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is a fighting game completely balanced on the multiplayer PVP-Aspect. I have no problems with that since i really like to test my skills against other players. I really like the atmosphere and the vibe of the game... even though i was never this big of Naruto fan. The combat is pretty fluid and makes fun if, you got the hang of the pretty clunky camera controls. It got a pretty cool skill system and it makes fun to figure out how to use the skills in certain situations because to be honest this game is pretty complex, with all it mechanics, skills, movement techniques and different class roles.
These were the good things about the game.
Now let's start with the bad things that really make me regret buying this game. As i said earlier, the game is balanced on the PVP-Aspect and thats were the game is failing badly. It uses a pretty dumb peer-to-peer system (not only in PVP also in Coop missions) to connect the players in a match. The biggest problem is that it simply isn't working. Sometimes i join a lobby and i get kicked before the game even starts. Same thing with the VR-Missions. First, VR-Missions are just little missions that you can do to obtain cosmetics, skills, money, xp and master xp (gonna talk about this later). Sounds pretty cool huh? Yea! To be honest, i really like those missions! Biggest problem with those missions is that they are pretty hard and you get most of the fun with those missions if you play them coop... so what do you do? Yes! Call a friend or get another player in your VR-Mission Lobby. But what have i told you about the Multiplayer? Yes... the connection is pretty ♥♥♥♥ing awful. Disconnects, lagging and sometimes also the game just crashes with an Unreal Engine 4 error. Aside of that we have the master system where you can learn certain skills and secret-techniques (its like an ultimate skill) from the most iconic characters of the Naruto series. I think the System itself is pretty cool and it makes fun to learn skills from Kakashi, Sasuke or Itachi for example. But the big problem with this system is that it becomes a pretty big grind after a while and takes a long time if you farm the master xp just with the VR-Missions. You get the most xp with the PVP missions but as i said earlier PVP is not working properly at the moment.
Long story short, the game is really nice for naruto fans, even for non naruto fans it can be really fun... but it gets frustrating and boring pretty fast if you are only able to play the VR-Missions on your own. If it wouldn't have these connection problems, the game would be really good and competetive. But in this state i cannot recommend the game for anyone!
I'll edit this if something changes in the next weeks.
Hope i could help you!