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World of Warcraft Classic review
by Notly

In 2021, I played «Vanilla WoW» for real.

Before that, I only played for a month on a private server, back in 2008, and I knew absolutely nothing about the game.

In 2021, I truly got to experience the game because «Burning Crusade Classic» was released, and 99% of players went there. Only those who truly loved vanilla remained.

As a result, during prime time, there were about 120 people on our server, and during working hours, the online count dropped to below 50. And this fostered a certain solidarity within our community.

We went into dungeons every day, did quests together, just chatted, exchanged contacts. A week later, we were already gathering in «Discord» and just chatting.

Personally, I couldn't endure the classic and got tired of it at level 47. I ran through several dungeons for my level. Ended up at «Zul'Farrak». Leveled up primary and secondary professions as much as possible. And just did various quests for experience and low-level ones for reputation.

I advise everyone to find a party of 5 people and spend time interestingly, as we did.

Have a great day.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»