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VRChat review
by deleted_592106

«Better with friends»

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All of you belong on the cross
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review VRChat-No Buck on Reallife Simulator To VRChat you really can't say much as every Person is different in itself. Some think to themselves: "What is The" other "Finally a Dating Simulator with real People" and others (I) "Man that I have to test times looks funny." The Game simply offers many Possibilities you can do almost anything imaginable. You can even upload your own Avatars and Worlds using Blender and Unity, but you need a VRChat account and An average of 20 Hours of play to unlock it. However, there are also bad Aspects, Such as Hackers stealing the Avatates or making your Game crash. You can't change that much at the moment except to remember the Name of this Guy and then report it. Just Test it out and read to everyone who is VR and think "I need neh VR Glasses" for that, there is also a Desktop Mode where you can't move your Arms, Legs and Head. But normally you don't need robe limbs.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review VRChat! What a great idea! A "game" or virtual world of world meeting available for VR but you do not need a VR helmet to be able to go there and chat with your new friends. Choose an avatar, become Darth Vader, his Goku or what you want as long as the avatar exists! Browse multiple player-created worlds, chat with people from around the world, listen to music, watch YouTube videos, and share them with your friends on a virtual couch! This "game" is really nice to meet people all over the world. You can do bowling with these new friends, participate in games, you want to sing? Sit down, take out your IRL guitar and people will come to you as if you were scratching on the street ^^ I use VRChat to speak English and try the Japanese ^^ sometimes the language barrier is a considerable brake but often going on VRChat , if you make a few friends, you will take the habit of speaking another language as long as you understand it. Then we could teach you things, people are not closed. This is a good way to educate yourself about languages, to meet people from all over the world and to share with them. Personally I like to take an avatar of freezer, since I am a fan of DBZ. I have not met a lot of French and I am not really interested in going to speak with Francophones. I have always been interested in Japan and its culture and it is a good way to try to improve in the study of the language. Not always obvious when you do not understand everything you are told and the other in front of you either but we speak English/Japanese. We make gestures we try to understand each other, we can sometimes feel excluded, but if you want to learn a language it is not so bad in addition to a few courses, it allowed me to learn phrases, words that I did not know, it describes a little your year glais when it is necessary to speak to Americans/English/Russian/Japanese/Korean... After you can find yourself there between friend IRL if you have a VR helmet to do fun activities, games etc here it is free so as much enjoy it make no dumber:)
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«Better with friends»