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Sanator: Scarlet Scarf review
by Mia Blais-Côté

A visual novel with a cool concept (A Pathologic-like VN? TO BUY RIGHT NOW!) but with a life span far too short for its price. A good hour for everything. Also, the writing is complex, and even with the Codex in the game + the info contained in the "Cart of Rarities" DLC, I can't figure it all out. Yes, it's a universe rich in characters, concepts, and special terms, but there are too many of them. At times, I felt like I was reading an encyclopedia about a foreign culture rather than a story. Besides, the story is more like a prologue about the world and the ending seem to be open for a sequel. A series of VN? The graphics are nice, the soundtrack is good.
«Disappointment of the year»