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Bad Dream: Fever review
by Karen Wan

Despite some shortcomings, I enjoyed it a lot and played it in 5 hours straight.

On the one hand, it was made simple by not having to combine items or decide which items to use, it shows you automatically when you scroll on the right spot. On the other hand, it's made more challenging because you can't pick up certain items until it's needed, resulting in having to remember where you saw some things and going around in circles trying to figure out what item can be picked up now. All this combined with the slow controls, despite the option to accelerate the cursor, made it a bit annoying to navigate.

This game was longer than I expected and gets VERY meta. You should play Bad Dream: Coma first, for a better experience.
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
«That ending!»

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How much Can control and Perfectionism destroy you? An atmospheric Trek through Discontent and Despair. The Game key was provided to the GGC Curations free of charge gaming Experience Story The World was struck by a new Plague. On closer inspection, it's just Ink, but there's something wrong with that. Try to fight the ink with the Help of your Neighbor, stumbling across secrets that everyone has hidden in them. The Story is best described as unusual, but still associable. 70/100 Gameplay It's just a Point-and-click game. But What's most different from other Games in the Genre is that you don't have to test items yourself with Options. Once you are the item you need in your Inventory, it will be automatically selected and used when you have clicked on the right Object. Personally, I gain something less, as this makes the player play on Autopilot. Also, the Keys to Activating Historical Advances are linked to peripheral Actions that occasionally drive you much to Despair. The Game does carry the Day horror, for me it had created more of the Feeling of a Thriller. There were also "Jump Scares," but by the fact that it was only always the same, there were only a Few Situations in which the latter ran a Shiver down my Back one More time. 70/100 Technical Aspects Graphics The Game looks like a Sketch on yellowed Paper. Due to the marginal Use of color Variation, the Game already sets the first Accents for its Mood. Even though the Scenes were drawn schematically, it still looks high quality. As The Story progresses, the Graphics change without losing any of the built mood. The Ink, as an Element of Evil, looks convincingly genuine as it is applied and smeared. 85/100 Sound The Sounds used are fantastic, it starts with the Majority of all Objects making their own Sounds when touched. In addition, the Music in the Background develops with the Story and creates noticeable Discomfort through the Sounds used. Unfortunately, there are no Settings of the Conversations, the only Weakness in the Sense of tone. 90/100 Inconvenience isolated Spelling Mistakes and a small Soundbug. -1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Opinion Bad Dream: Fever creates a breathtaking Atmosphere, unfortunately the Story didn't captivate me so much. Contrary to the Story, the Atmosphere let a cold Shiver run down my Back. Despite all this, the Game possesses an impressive Morality that many can take to Heart. Especially for those looking for a game with an impressive Atmosphere. 76/100 For more Reviews of Gamers for Gamers, follow our Curator page: GGC-Curations