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Pokémon Quest review
by Graham Kaletsky

cute lil mobile game.

Other reviews4

Welp i found my next addiction
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
Translated by
Microsoft from French
A game for the undisputed fans of Pokémon since childhood. If you don't like going out to catch up with Pokémon go, then this game is for you. Nice to watch in automatic mode or enjoyable to play manually, the quests are probably similar but are all thrilling! I personally find the system to win berries to accommodate new Pokémon, and gems to improve them very nice. With as usual levels to increase their PV and damage and always their evolutions. The universe is not yet very large but there is already a lot to do and it is a pleasure to find our favorite little monsters and make them fight. Little downside, I do not know if it happens to other players, but one of my Pokémon in my team sometimes decides to no longer move or attack and I find myself with 2 Pokémon instead of 3 in my quest. Bug to fix. After all this game is very nice and I would recommend it to many people! 😊👍
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Microsoft from Norsk
I’m torn between giving his a 2 or a 3. If it weren’t for some issues, this would get a 4 or 5. The good: The graphics are well designed, the beginning tutorial isn’t overly long, and it’s fun. I also like that it’s easy to put down and pick up again. Even if the game is shut off mid-level, you can pick up where you left off. I also like the concept of auto play, so grinding doesn’t become tedious. The other huge plus is the lack of ads. I really love that I can just play this game. The micro transactions are better designed imo as well. You buy bundles that give you perks. There’s a set limit of bundles, and they aren’t necessary to enjoy the game (but you probably will want at least one). The bad: The auto play doesn’t work as well as it should. I’ve played this on multiple ios devices, and every one with go to sleep while auto play is happening. So for each auto play level, you have to be sure to tap the screen a few times to keep it going. The other bad thing is the difficulty curve. Mobile games tend to be on the short side, which is totally understandable. Making a lot of progress early also makes sense. However, progress feels like it just grinds to a halt about 3/4 of the way through and just gets slower from there. I’d rather the difficulty increase on a more even level. The final thing goes to buyable content. I really wish there was an option to buy infinite battery charges. I would gladly pay, even with some of the issues I outlined above.