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Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India review
by Graham Kaletsky

The best of the AC: Chronicles games imo.  Very pretty.

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Too many timed leves and jank controls. Sadly this only looks good
Unresponsive controls, level design is a chore, timed missions galore. Other than the artstyle there is nothing good about this game
«Waste of time»
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Microsoft from Russian
Finally! Here comes the new part of the Assassin'S Creed® Chronicles Series! I waited for a long time, but in recent times I began to take a few years, that Yuisoft scored for the series and that India and Russia will not come out. But No! After A long time comes a new part under the heading India! The Story tells us about the Indian assassin Arbaase World. After the events taking place in the first part passed 300 years, but the credo was not forgotten. We need to prevent that the same weapon, which was told in the first part, did not get into the bad hands and was not activated. But that's not the point. We also need to save our beloved. This part touches On the topics of duty, honor, friendship and love. Arbaaz is a very interesting person. He is cunning and conscientious, courageous and romantic. Enough spoilers, let's go to the game process. From the last part of the cordinally nothing has changed. But! Fixed bugs, added new abilities Helix and normal mode, such as searching corpses, stealing enemies, Helix jerk, Helix invisibility, etc.. The Picture has become more pleasant, but it is another style unlike China. India was supposed to be an action game (China recommended stealth walkthrough), but not as it was not satisfying to kill all enemies without Stelsa, and they are VERY COMPLEX!!! And the whole game is very difficult, that I can not say about China! He was Very bombed, but passed and was pleased. Good Pass. If China has passed, then India must pass. Russia Is coming out already on February 9. I can't wait! And so Indie I put 9 out of 10, well still does not reach the ideal and up to 10. Play only the best
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Microsoft from Russian
I don't really like platformers. He Played 5 Dandy and 3 shogi. I do not understand the people who are dragged by these 2D games. Maybe They didn't have such a joyful childhood as mine, but come on. All the same sometimes with rare exception there are worthy platformers (for example Limbo) and on them it is possible to spend the time. Especially as a fan of Asacov, I could not pass by this game. Start! Assassin'S Creed Chronicles is a short history of the Acai berries from other parts of the world. In this case, India. We're taking control Of Arbaa's Peace. The Most common assassin in India... The PLOT of Arbaaz learns that the casket (from the first part-China) appeared in India. And It is owned by a master Templar. After He has capitalized his favorite, decides to find a casket and another crystal. GAMEPLAY Yes, the game has towers. But They don't need to climb. Yes, and synchronization is done automatically after the leap of faith. In Terms of mechanics, the game has undergone a lousy change compared to the last part of the "Chronicles"... The Game now presses on full stealth. Added the ability to strangle enemies, and the hidden attack causes a lot of noise. In addition, half of the levels are held cleanly on the stelse. That is, when detected-failure. There are Too many "narrow" scripts that drive depression. And The last level you will pass more than 3 times at least. So get ready for the STELSU in all her glory. Wait and use the gadgets to the fullest! GRAPHICS Visually The game began to look better. The Game has become prettier at times. Too many bright colors. And the backs were drawn very clearly, unlike the last part. All emphasis is on stealth and on the concentration of your actions against enemies, their movement and murder. MUSIC Sound design Here is missing half of the game. Yes, yes! Stupid Walkthrough without any background music. I'm a lousy 4 out of 10. Once in three more restartil chekpoint unlike the last part of Pro China. P.S. Amused level merged from Hitman: Sniper Challenge.))))))