Light theme

by Graham Kaletsky

It's monopoly, but you don't need to have a banker.

Other reviews2

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Microsoft from Deutsch
A very nice Monopoly With a few Bugs and some missing Features. Have been Looking for it all the Time since I've had it:) This is probably also due to the few Players and the long Playing Time. It sometimes takes a real long time for Players to join the Lobby. Whether this is due to faulty programming/BUGs or false End-user Configuration (Port's, Firewall, Antivirus) is once left. I can judge that badly. I think the Game needs more Players and a somewhat restructured Lobby. At Its core, everything works necessary to play the classic and the Tempo Monopoly. You can play Eatery with Friends and Computers or try your hand at an Online Game. All on 3 different Game boards. Unfortunately, I know that there is not yet the Possibility, as on the Consoles, of Designing his own Game board. All in all, it's a nice Monopoly that still needs a Fine-tuning to fix some Bugs and increase game Comfort. Positive-beautiful Graphics-beautifully designed Game boards-beautiful Animations-different languages, Text and Audio-different Game boards-pleasant music-high replay factor-Local and Online Mode-beautiful atmosphere Negative-computer player You can't add it in Online Mode. (Please insert)-Game Search stops immediately if there is no Public Game and you get the opportunity to create a Lobby. (Prefer to search indefinitely?) -Lobby closes within 5 Minutes after creation (Prefer to Leave unlimited?) -Some Bugs-no Text and voice chat (Please insert with Blocking function to prevent Spam)-No other 3D Perspective to choose (Please insert it would provide a better overview)-Prices of the Roads not visible in the 2D Anischt (Please add)-ke In Possibility to type in when changing numbers (Please add)-Mouse control Not always exactly when Clicking on Cards when swapping (Please optimize)-Only a Special Rule such as "Money on free Parking" can be selected (Please make several selectable) I hope the Developers This will read this here. Help and Ports for the FRAGE game: I'm having Trouble with the Online Features of Monopoly Plus on PC. What can I do? ANTWORT: If You have Lags, Disconnections or other Problems with The Connectivity of the Game, there are a few Things You can try. We compile a List in this FAQ, starting with the basic Steps. We recommend that You take the Steps in the Order in which they are listed here. Step 3 Requires Information about Monopoly Plus ports. These are the Ports that Monopoly Plus uses: Uplay PC: TCP: 443, 14000 Game Ports: UDP: 5081