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Crysis review
by Гриха Винокуров/grihajedy

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Best graphics in it's days. Plot isn't bad (definitely not good either) and I had fun playing it. Missions in most FPS games are all the same: go from start of the corridor to it's end and shoot everything that moves. It soon becomes repetitive and frustrating. In Crysis I could solve missions in several ways. Shoot everything like Rambo, stay cloaked and sneak past everything, run fast like lighting or any other combination.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Since Crysis is one of the Games that originally made me go Zocking I wanted to buy it again recently after it was On offer on Steam and rip through again in (finally) ultra settings. As Far as so good, have installed it (even have such a few Beside Programs this wanted to install as well as I might not have worked otherwise) and lo and behold, it still doesn't work. After a bit of Research why, and replace the bin32 Folder with that of a Third-party Hats then finally folded. Must really say here, however: It can't be that Steam Sells games here that Don't work where you even have to load Third-party Software in the End Corner to make it work ... That's why for the first time on Steam a clear Thumb down, and not because Of the Game, because Crysis is and still remains one of my Favorite Games! Hope I could help:)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I played through it on a 64bit system so here virtually no Game time as I had to replace or postpone The exe. I really like Graphics today still pleasant, but I'm also a big Fan of the Cryengine, just the Lighting, the Gameplay is quite normal apart from the Suit, the real star of the Game are the sprawling Areas you can roam pretty freely to be Mission Goal to complete, swim, boat, drive, kill, Kill or sneak through everyone. I had a funny Situation where I had to kill a hard Opponent and because it was so stupid for me that he would have my Ammunition ^^ I made myself invisible and placed C4 right next to him, but then you become visible so I jumped down (was on a Staircase) and press in the Trap The Detonator, I felt so badass about it ^^ I was skeptical because I heard a lot of Good before and played Crysis 2 all round and liked That pretty much but against 1 that's not like me:) Oh so and of course: Mods, even I played "The Harbour" and "Rainy Days," the first two Parts of a mod trilogy, the third Part "Wreckage" Is Standalone. Completely German set to music with nice Intermediate squences:)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Crysis was the first Part of the Series Crysis extremely successful, the €4.41 I paid for the Game were definitely Worth it, a clear Buy recommendation! Reason: + Super Graphics, better than, for example, The very popular Game Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 or Battlefield 3 + Perfect physical Properties, no illogical events, Eg that a Fas simply stops in the event of an Explosion nearby + Epic Story, unbelievable Combining + Very interesting Game concept with the Nanosuit, which totally revolouts the Game principle (did I spelled that correctly? = D) The Nanosuit also explains that otherwise always so illogical regenerate and that you can plug in a lot, including the Invisibility Mode (Actually Camouflage mode) combined with the armour mode lets you choose whether you prefer Stealth-or Rambo-like + Low price and Unique Price Performance ratio + The Sandbox editor that's at the Game lets you Create your own game/level (spelled correctly? xD) and is really fun-Often used the same Textures, which look simple class-Not so many different Weapons, but super Textures-I hope you have some reasonably good PC;) LG, DropTech BTW, the other Parts are also horny, but the 2nd was very one-sided.