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Hitman 3 review
by rochallor


Other reviews6

While I still like the overall gameplay of this game, the story was pretty meh for most of it. There are some good levels and set pieces but overall I enjoyed the first one the most. I also think the ending level was just wild because of how they just turned it into a shooting gallery where as the games are mostly geared towards stealth and opportunism. Was still a fun playthrough. I look forward to what IO does next.
Giving the hitman series another go. Years ago I played the first for a bit and it wasn’t the type of game I thought it was going to be or was hoping for and it didn’t click at the time. I didn’t like it. But I’m curious if I’d like it more now.

I’ve replayed the same two practise and two real missions form hitman 1 I did the first time around and I enjoyed them more this time. I know what the game is going for now which still isn’t my ideal game but it’s not bad. I hope the levels continue to get better and better though.

I’m enjoying this hitman a lot more this time. I’m in mission 5 of the hitman 1. I never repeat missions and I’m trying to do the missions stories, or even a couple of them, but as the missions get harder I’m also just trying to get it done without the alarm bells going off. I’ve been having a good time. At this point I think I’ll definitely beat all the missions once, but I won’t replay any.

Just did the first hitman 2 mission which is the short mission by the ocean house and I stealthily killed a bunch of the security forwards with knives, throwing stars and a katana. It was my favourite mission yet. My score was awful because I killed so many guys but I think it’s a more fun way to play. I think it was a mistake making your score worse for kills. It should only hurt your score if bodies are found. If they don’t get found then I see no reason why I should discouraged from playing the game that way.

Played the first couple hitman 3 missions. I liked them. They were good. But I think I’m done. I liked hitman more this time around but I still don’t love it. It’s not quite the type of game I enjoy.

Final Score: B
It's a must for a complete trilogy. The new levels are cool, everything else, it's identical to Hitman 1 and 2.
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