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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons review
by Galina Sovkova

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Good to play with my girlfriend
«Sit back and relax»
«That ending!»
unique idea to play them both at once.  feels unnatural at first, but you get used to it.
An absolutely fυcking incredible game; I cannot recommend it enough. Gorgeous graphics, amazing soundtrack, original mechanics, and one of the best stories I have ever encountered in gaming. One of my top five games of all time.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
In the following I will give my own personal Opinion on the Game, in particular I will focus on the Story and the Implementation of Atmosphere and Control. This Review does not spoil. What may give a Clue to the Story is marked as a Spoiler (censored). The Story is quite easy to understand: In the Prologue it is made clear to the Player that the Father of two Sons is ill. To save him, the two Brothers embark on an exciting Adventure. The Story is particularly marked by fantastic Dream Scenes, little Rätzel and a really great Embodiment of the most sympathetic Characters. The Scenario is also often changed, with dungeon worlds but also Snow and Forest Scenarios. Many Hindsight and references to the Past, often also marked by a new Friendship of other Characters. High Liveliness of the Characters, strongly illustrated Emotions and many Gestures, whereby, despite the Dialogues between the Characters that are not to be understood for him, the player understands the Plot and the Story. By and large a sensational Game, the only thing there is to order is the unfavorable Control, because here two Characters are controlled with only one Controller! In form, I have not yet been able to experience this-that is, a small Challenge at the Beginning and on some Passages in the Game, but you can soon find your way around the Controls. The Game can only be played with a Controller! Finally, a very emotional Epilogue without taking any Precedence. The Game really has hardly any Criticism, a dreamlike Design, varied Environments and Scenarios and hardly a Bug or two. What all of them have succeeded in doing is the Graphic Elements. Of course, the Engine is rather mediocre but I have been really charmed in some Places. Here, though, I wouldn't advise you to take Screenshots of other Players, simply because Spoilers aren't always sufficiently censored! What the Developers of Starbreeze Studios really succeeded in ensuring that even among the many Storygames there are good Stories-The Story comes from the Pen of visionary Swedish Director Josef Fares. In the Overall Standings a Game that can well set a Milestone for the Prize. Content and Story are Top, the Gaming Experience and the Entertainment Factor huge and the Length Of the Game is also perfect. I can recommend this Game to you more than I can otherwise recommend a Game. My Tip: You can get the Game quite cheaply in the Steam Sale, because the Game is already one or two Years old! In any case, the Game inspired Me to play more Stroygames:) If you've already played the Game, or bought it yourself after this Review, write your Opinion on the Game. I would be really Interested in That! Support me by evaluating my Reviews! Thank you ajk68 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Microsoft from Italian
Great game, struggling a bit to carburetor at first then it becomes engaging and compelling. Scripted as a film, fairy-tale and 3d scenarios of the highest level. The controls are a bit laborious if you want to play alone. I did the first part with my daughter and there was no such problem. Great music. The remarkable ending. If you were to see it in full, I mean: in fact, after the spider, the game gets stuck on the penultimate chapter and there's no way to get it started again. I understood to be at the end but I couldn't finish it and I had to watch the final on the net. This disappointing since I have an iPad Pro 10.5 and latest software. Too bad for this ending.
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Microsoft from French
I put 5 paintings because this game is great the proof its simple even glaucous times I do not recommend it to the child of less than 7 years for glaucous chapters [ATTENTION SPOIL] there is a chapter where we must deliver a woman who is prisoner of some admiring men with four arms; and at the end of a moment the two brothers release her and follow her to a secret hiding place and once inside she turns into a spider and we have to cut off her very gloomy legs what [END OF SPOIL] I finished the game the end is very sad [ATTENTION 2ME SPOIL] the second brother (I'm talking about the big one) had an illness I do not know how he catches her I think that he normally since the beginning and dies it's very sad [FIN 2ME SPOIL] the game is quite short but exciting you strongly recommend it, its price is correct
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Microsoft from Dutch
I think I might have found a bug, that or my device isn't working properly, I don't know, but in chapter two when you need to push this contraption to make the rails move, it won't move, no matter how many times I restart the game. I can't continue the story because of this. Edit: ah, there has been an update. Hopefully the bug is fixed. The game looked really amazing and was great to play before the bug that prevented me from continuing. Fingers crossed! It has gotten worse... this time for some reason certain objects and the brothers are shaded extremely white and the game is lagging. Just going to reinstall the game to see if that works. Starting to think it might be my device after all. Nope, nothing is working so far. The controls are all glitchy too now. Really unfortunate. Hopefully it'll improve in the future and I'll finally be able to play this game. I've really wanted to play it.
elishere has added a game 10 minutes ago ••• Edit 2,543 Exceptional Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons This is one of the best video-gaming experiences I've ever had. Brothers is just exceptional in all aspects, and delivers its story in a very unique way and through small gestures and details. The soundtrack is just mesmerizing, the graphics are so damn beautiful, especially when putting to mind how all this was done with a small budget and many years ago. This game as a whole is just a must play, I like the concept of the controls and all those little details they put to give this game a deeper meaning. It's all just mind-blowing.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»