Feels like High Impact Games got some assets from Insomniac and screwed them together in not enough time to really develope a good game.
Other reviews4
As a lifelong Ratchet and Clank fan, it hurts to say this is one of the worst games I've played. There is so much wrong with this game that I wonder if even back on PSP it was any good. To start, most enemies in this game are bullet sponges. You'll be sitting there wasting half your ammo on one enemy. On top of that most of the weapons in the game suck damage wise. The controls also suck but that is a bit more forgivable since this was a handheld title. The story isn't good, just something thrown together to loosely fit in. Overall this is just a very passable game. Being from another dev, it really doesn't capture any of the charm of the main series and is just not fun to play.
«Buggy as hell»
«Waste of time»