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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance review
by TheHonoredOne

Bro this game deserve exceptional rate. RULES OF NATURE !!!
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»

Other reviews8

Absolute kino.
The story is kino, the soundtrack is kino, the boss fights are kino, the sense of escalation is kino and the final bit of the game will go down in legends. Pair all that with fun combat and satisfying slicing mechanics and you have yourself the hypest of times.
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»
This is the greatest hack n' slash video game in history. I love that game so much. Before, I wasn't able to say which is my favourite video game. Now I know. 
«Can’t stop playing»
«Liked before it became a hit»
This is peak kino
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Liked before it became a hit»
Great gameplay with asbolutely insane cutscenes and a kino OST.
«Blew my mind»
«OST on repeat»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Story (4 out of 5 Points): What is told here with a lot of action and the necessary Humor is basically a Clash of the Philosophy of Peace with a Philosophy of War, but of course the Economic Factor must not be missing. Focusing, the Game does so on the Motivations of Raiden, who willingly let him break the Law, too, if it serves justice. Personally, the EInblick in Raiden's Personality convinces me immensely, depending on how much you can identify with his Motivations, the Story is really captivating and how that befits Kojima Productions, wonderfully staged ~ I'm really swaying Between 4 and 5 Points for the Story. For a short Game like Rising, the Story is really very detailed and told with sympathetic Characters (perhaps the 5 Hour difference between my Playing Time and the Time that is really displayed at my Storage Level, just cut scenes, wonder why It wouldn't xD me), but it's correspondingly short and I expected only a tiny bit more, so "only" 4 Points from me. Graphics (4 out of 5 Points): The Graphics are nice to watch, the Characters come across very well and the Effects are simply one of the Strengths of the Game! But I often hear criticism as far as the Environment is concerned. Admittedly, with a few Exceptions, these are not exactly colorful but serve their Purpose fully and Completely. And since most of the Environment is destructible anyway, why use the most beautiful Textures when the graphic Implementation of the Destruction of these Textures is much more interesting anyway? Sound (5 out of 5 Points): The biggest Change I've noticed from demo to finished Game is definitely the Sound effects! These are simply convincing and perfectly implemented. The Soudntrack is awesome. With rocking Sounds, the Game is perfectly accompanied and especially in Fights they simply accentuate the Action perfectly. The various Songs, with matching Lyrics, are a real Pleasure, especially in the Boss Fights, and leave nothing to Be desired. The Soundtrack is therefore an absolute Buy recommendation from me! Unfortunately, the Purchase of 5.1/7.1 Headphones is still being planned, as I doubt the Stereo Output of my TV Will even come close to living up to the sound Violence of this Game so far. The Criticism of Synchronization is met With Incomprehension among me. A bad Synchro is something else! I actually even find them very successful and especially Quinton Flynn, I think, has mastered the heavy Role of the "new" Raiding with Flying colours. Gameplay (5 out of 5 Points): The Gameplay gets 5 out of 5 Points from me! For a Hack ' n ' Slash Game it is incredibly varied and demanding Due to the Stealth Insoles. The Variety of Combos go easily by hand and are simply wonderful to look at. The Selection of Sub-weapons, such as Grenades and Rocket Launchers, makes the Gameplay even more individual. The Weapons from the Final Bosses can be taken over after Defeating Them and complement Raiden's Fighting Style again with whole new Sets of Combos, so that as the game progresses you can choose which Weapon with the associated Combos suits you best. And then, of course, there's The Blade Mode, the Centerpiece of the Game. What else can I say about the fact that not already in Trailers has been wonderfully staged? This Piece of play is simply incredibly precisely implemented and simply a real Feast for the eyes. I'm not talking about all the Blood that flows in the Game, of course, but actually about the Possibility of simply dissecting most of the Environment. Here are just a few more Hints about the block and Parrier System. You can quite Block UND/OR Parria. The Difference is timing. If you block in the appropriate direction at the Very moment when the Enemy is attacking, you are automatically parred and can strike directly with the Blade Mode to a devastating Blow. If the Timing is not exactly right, you only block attacks and here too it is crucial to block IN RIGHT OF THE GEGNERS. For People who, despite everything, have a Problem with this, an evasive maneuver can also be learned after the first Chapter. In Addition, you can retrieve a Command List at any Time in the Break menu under "Help." So, it should have been from me, I said more than enough about the Game. As a final Comment, I just want to stress that the Platinum Games ' First Contact was with the Metal Gear series and I think they had to face these huge Expectations, they mastered the whole thing really well. After all, it was a Project Kojima had relinquished, as he himself had failed to Implement it with his Team.
Cons: It's only 7 hours long

Pros: All 7 hours are the most awesome thing ever. 
«Blew my mind»