Efsane serinin son oyunu. 3. oyunun berbat oluşundan sonra bu oyunda toparlamışlar. En azından oyundan nefret etmiyorsunuz. Ayrıca bir nebze de olsa hikayeyi 3. oyuna göre geliştirmişler. Duygusal olan sahneler ve tabi geçmişte yaşanmış ama bizim tanık olamadığımız olayları da gördüğümüz bir yapım olmuş. Her ne kadar bitmesini istemesem de sanırım en iyi olması gereken buydu. Çünkü Telltale bu oyunun çıkışından sonra (sanırım) kapatıldı. Ardından tekrardan açıldı ve farklı süreçler oldu. Haliyle uzatsalardı pek iyi bir devam olacağını düşünmüyorum. Ne de olsa bir şey ne kadar uzatılırsa o şeyin iyi olma bakımından sürdürülebilirliği gittikçe azalabilir ki bunun bir çok örneği var.
Efsane seriye bir elvada. İyi ki böyle bir seri vardı...
Puan: 10/10 ✅️
Efsane seriye bir elvada. İyi ki böyle bir seri vardı...
Puan: 10/10 ✅️
Other reviews6
Great adventure game! The story of Clementine,Lee, AJ and Michonne very well written and perfectly developed. Many many feelings about this one. My only advise, PLAY IT!
Seasons 2 and 3 didn't do much for me but I loved The Final Season. I'll admit to getting pretty emotional at the ending.
«That ending!»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Edit 27.03.2019, after Finishing Episode 4 of The final Season!
I think I can keep a little shorter than usual at this Point. I fell in love with Season 1 at the time, Season 2 devoured right after. After such a long Time, then came the Season 3, which was definitely much weaker, but brought at least a little Satisfaction towards the End.
Then the sad News that this Season 4 will be the final Season here. The Fear was there as to whether this would be a worthy Conclusion for the Series. Now, as previously stated in the original review, it was clear that Telltale wanted to try it and in the first Episode that works out great too.
The next Hammer followed: The Closure of the Telltale studios. Banges hope the Season would somehow find its deserved End anyway, precisely because the Start was so good.
Luckily, Skybound jumped into the Breach and took up the Cause. Skybound launched the original Season 1 in The first place. Hopes for a successful final Season were back.
Now that I finished the very last Season around Clementine and A.J. ... I can say that the Project has been fully successful. Season 4 is on Par with Season 1 and 2, so you certainly don't have to hide.
Great Work by Telltale and Skybound. Thanks to both Studios, despite the adverse Circumstances. It's a shame to know Telltale had to close. Especially now that they apparently wanted to return to old Strength-unfortunately too late.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank everyone Involved from all 4 Seasons again. It was an Honour for me. I haven't howled the way I do since the Finale of "Life is Strange" as I do today.
FAREWELL Clementine. < 3-------There she is now, the final Season for "The Walking Dead." Granted after the rather mixed "A New Frontier," I had a few Worries about the closing of the Series. Would Telltale Return to the Strengths of the first two Season and prove more Eye for detail away from the Main Story? Now, after the first Episode of the Season, this certainly cannot be said beyond a reasonable doubt ...
but... They have definitely shown that You will try to deliver a worthy Conclusion. The first Episode felt significantly better all round than all The episodes from the final Season. The Scope was greater and you generally felt freer in what you could do. The Production was flawless, the Graphics really a good Deal better and the Sound & Music first class.
Regarding the Story at this Point, of course, no spoilers-only so much: I am very interested in how it goes on and I hope that one maintains the Quality of the first Episode in the next 3 Episodes.
At this Point, a Recommendation for all Fans of the Series (and those who still want to become one).
------All game reviews of mine in my < < Review Section > >
Favorite Thing: I really enjoyed the story (most of it, anyway) and Clem's definitely one of my favorite female protagonists.
Least Favorite Thing: That dumb hide behind the walkers part. Hated that.
Date Completed: 2019-04-02
Playtime: 10h
Enjoyment: 8/10
Recommendation: If you've played the series up to this point you have no choice!