Tarih seviyorum, ülke fethediyorum, dünyayı dize getiriyorum. Daha ne olsun :D
Yeri geliyor Türkiye'yi Osmanlı İmparatorluğu yapabiliyorsunuz, yeri geliyor Milliyetçi Türkiye olabiliyorsunuz, yeri geliyor oyun içi ayarlardan Türkiye'yi Selçuklu yapabilme özelliğini ekleyip Selçuklu olabiliyorsunuz. KKTC ile avrupayı dize getirmişliğim var heheh :D.
İsterseniz bir ada ülkesi olun ve gelişin, isterseniz Türkiye olup dünyayı fethedin, isterseniz Azerbaycan olup dünyayı fethedin, isterseniz Oyun ayarlarından medeniyet ekleyip Turan'ı kurun, isterseniz savaştığınız veya sizden küçük olan ülkeleri buyruğunuz altına alın, isterseniz ülkelerle çıkar karşılığı anlaşma yapın, isterseniz ülkelerle ittifak olun. Böyle çokça senaryolar yapabilirsiniz kendinize.
Pazarlamacı gibi mi konuştum sanki yaa.
Puan 8/10 ✅️
Yeri geliyor Türkiye'yi Osmanlı İmparatorluğu yapabiliyorsunuz, yeri geliyor Milliyetçi Türkiye olabiliyorsunuz, yeri geliyor oyun içi ayarlardan Türkiye'yi Selçuklu yapabilme özelliğini ekleyip Selçuklu olabiliyorsunuz. KKTC ile avrupayı dize getirmişliğim var heheh :D.
İsterseniz bir ada ülkesi olun ve gelişin, isterseniz Türkiye olup dünyayı fethedin, isterseniz Azerbaycan olup dünyayı fethedin, isterseniz Oyun ayarlarından medeniyet ekleyip Turan'ı kurun, isterseniz savaştığınız veya sizden küçük olan ülkeleri buyruğunuz altına alın, isterseniz ülkelerle çıkar karşılığı anlaşma yapın, isterseniz ülkelerle ittifak olun. Böyle çokça senaryolar yapabilirsiniz kendinize.
Pazarlamacı gibi mi konuştum sanki yaa.
Puan 8/10 ✅️
«Just one more turn»
Other reviews3
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
EDIT 23.12.18: Age of Civilizations II is constantly improving what I think is really good. The days were also added to new Scenarios such as, "5AD with Rome," "Ancient Greece" and "Victorian Age, 1836." I'm already looking forward to the next Scenarios. Maybe simply a Fun Scenario in which, as described by the Philosopher Plato, Atlantis and Ur-Athens fight against each other:D
Age of Civilizations II I really like it very much.
Before that, I played the first Part on the Phone and was also very excited about it.
In the Time I have played, no Bugs or errors have been noticed in the game debecause I do not understand most of The comments where it is on the top that it is full of Bugs.
The only thing that struck me is that in some regions (until now only East Asia) You could conquer provinces that have not Touched each Other and that the Rulers of the specified Time mostly did not vote or have been dead for a long time or have not lived yet, but they do the s Piel not really worse.
Unfortunately I have not played any similar games to this and therefore can not compare them but I believe that it is a good alternative especially since it costs only €5 And you can really make a lot in Age of Civilizations II.
PS: I don't usually write Reviews or this is my first one so don't be surprised if it's completely shit xD
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
It's here at The end of the day! Age of Civilization 2.
I've been a huge Fan of the Game since the first Part on the Phone. When I heard that a new Part was to come, I was Fire and Flame. So I eagerly awaited the Game. A few Weeks turned into Months, then Years. I have to admit I was Afraid that there is also a Delay this time. But now it's finally here. Now enough with the sloping away. Let's get to the Game itself.
I didn't have much Expectations in terms of graphics and I have to say that it's completely sufficient for this Type of Game. The Game principle is, in my Opinion, unique. You can think of it as a turn-based Europa Universalis Part. A bit of a Mixture of Civilization and Europa Universalis But only designed for War. It's mainly about Conquering Provinces and is not very demanding. Personally, However, it is incredible Fun for me to see my State grow and become a World Power. Unlike in Europa Universalis, you can also play here without Mods in this day and age. What I think is very good is that the Series stays true to its Root And does not become a Europa Universalis Clone, but offers a unique Gaming Experience, integrates many new Features and can also be super funny (see The Great Emu war). What I also think is very good is that Wikipedia articles have also been integrated. So you have Fun and learn something at the same time.
Conclusion: You might get more for €5!, but I like to spend it on the Scope, the new Features and the enormous Fun of The game. For Strategy fans, surely worth a Look.