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The Park review
by BloodScorchedSun

I picked this up on a sale for like $4 so I'm not too disappointed but if anyone paid full price I think they'd be upset. The story itself is fine up to the point it goes off the deep end. It does open with a very lengthy Hansel and Gretel boat ride that is way too long. It is very short and I don't think it overstays it's welcome. There is one part at the end where they try to emulate P.T. in a way which just do anything for me. The gameplay is basically just a walking sim where you go around the park in a linear way and unlock the story beats. Thankfully this one lets you move a lot faster than other games in that genre. This is also a slight spinoff of the MMO Funcom made, the Secret World. While you don't need to have played it, it seems that if you did, the story of the park lines up with some stuff in that game. It just didn't do anything for me. It wasn't scary and nothing about it really jumped out as something memorable.
«Waste of time»

Other reviews5

Pseudo horror walking simulator where the spooky elements are cliché, not spooky and not horror.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Now! .... Another Game I got through and yes, it only took 1.5 Hours. Creepy? There are games they are tougher! ... If you can read the tiny Scripture to the English language, without a fat Magnifying glass, then you have something of a Story. What is happening? Mother is with Sohnemann to The Park, which seems closed. Sohnemann, who can't hear, runs into the park in the tiefflug and you go behind behind. You can call him constantly to give feedback. Now the Logic would actually have to come into play, but you must safely forget it. Without wanting to spoil, you do things that contradict Logic, where you ask yourself sustainably ... WHY MIGHT THE THAT? Currently the Game costs 12.99€ Only good, which I shot it favorably for 3.25s and even THAT is not worth it. Conclusion? Paw away and rather buy another one.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Park is the Horror! Of course, this Game has its creepy Elements. The leisure park scenario is Also very well thought and well implemented. However, the Horror kept within Bounds as for my personal horror sensation there was simply too little Action and Horror included. Deadly Dangers lurk nowhere and the psycho horror didn't blow my mind. No, he left me almost completely unimpressed. Another Criticism is the Playing time of a maximum Of one Hour. Although I'm not hasty by the Game, it only took me 54 Minutes to the End. For just under €13, of course, that's fine, but still too little from my Point of view. Positive about this Game is the story, which is well packaged in an Hour'S play, and the well-presented Scenario. Overall, though, "The Park" didn't convince me. Therefore, I cannot recommend this Game wikrdly.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Definitely worth the 10 Euros! this game is epic! No Guns no shooting no action but thrilling shockingly psychologically thrilling♥♥♥♥♥♥this is!!! you should play this game if you want to know how it feels when you have taken some mushrooms and fly away into another world for 80 minutes ... yes it took 80 minutes for me to play the game and i have watched everything Kann dieses Spiel zu 100% empfehlen! Atmosphere: 9/9 the atmosphere is very good! you think you are in another world with speakers on!!! its really amazing Graphics 8/9 at some places too dark or blurry but nothing that severe sound;: 9/9 the sound is epic and very good and matches the places! gameplay: 5/9 ok this is a point ... well you only go trough the park and interact with things and you can explore everything thas it! no shootings no death no monsters chasing you or killing you! but there are some awesome moments in this game i can recommend this game!