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LEGO Worlds review
by Shawndroid

It's really neat to walk around Lego worlds and see all the neat stuff the designers hide around each planet. It's fun running around and seeing the sights. I sometimes find progression hard and small randomly generated planets at the start sometimes glitch in ways that make it hard to complete. But you can always delete them and try a new one. It also took me time to realize how to generate a planet of a different type than the previous planet. Fun for the small price, but I haven't played it much since the most recent patches, and haven't progressed to larger planets.

Positive points
▫ No long story, long cut scenes or walls of text
▫ Really is Lego: runaround, build and destroy
▫ Keeps being updated with UI improvements and upgrades

Negative points
▫ Updates keep changing frame rates and draw distance (no longer updated)
▫ Randomly generated content is occasionally hard to complete

Other reviews3

Nothing interesting to do
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Microsoft from Deutsch
LEGO Worlds ... Actually, I was looking for Brick Rigs And came across LEGO Worlds. Looked quite funny with the Open World Scenery and what to explore, so I dared to go on a Spontaneous run. My Conclusion: For each of those who like to explore Worlds and construct things or even just a fan of LEGO was in his Childhood, a clear Recommendation. But even if it sounds like Lobhudelei right now, there are still some Downsides that the Developer should eliminate as soon as possible. Negative Criticisms:-The Control ... I would like to Be sorry, but that's not possible. In normal Gameplay, you can get to some extent with it, but you always have the Feeling of steering a Car through the Area with 2 Per Mille. Everything works so roughly ploughed over the Thumb and at the latest if it has to go a little faster or more accurately, the System fails in 99% of cases. Please, please, please ... Sit down again and make sure you can throw Bombs where you aim (even in the Ego view!). Revise your Weapons again, because I find it incomprehensible why I can drop the Shots in the Continuous Fire and wait 5 Seconds every next Moment. Something is wrong! The construction mode is also so unwieldy when It comes to operation that you don't feel a deeper Desire to deal with it more precisely than necessary. When this is fixed in Terms of Control, the Fun of the Game has got a decent Boost again! -The Performance ... What can I say, I really don't use a slow Zocker System but whatever is wrong with LEGO Worlds, it fruts when you make something precise in the middle of a fight or when trying to make something precise, you constantly feel a Lag of 1-2 Seconds again. The Picture freezes and then you have to wait. Use a 3770k, 32GB RAM, SAMSUNG PRO SSD AND my 780Ti Matrix in FullHD-there are no Bottlenecks, according to my Ads. It is still playable so but vlt have had several similar Experiences and the Developer could take a look at it. -Cutscenes ... Think of it being beautifully staged, everything is superbly presented, but with all The Stoppers to show Animations or similar, you get quite annoyed after the Initial Phase. I'm just destroying a House and Opponents away for a Mission, for example, and there are tens of thousands of Coins lying around to collect. The Game thanks me with a Sequence in which I can't do anything but my Objects, which by the way have a very short Stay-disappear into the Background. This annoys and would have gone differently! If the Duration up to Objects of the pawning is simply higher than the average Cut-off sequence is when Handing over Questators, I usually have enough Time after that to collect something! Alternatively, let me skip something like that then everyone is helped, not only the remaining Opponents, who sometimes jostles around me and often make up for me the Bar when I am allowed to take control again. ^^-Position Markers of Treasures ... If you should have calmly set it so that you can still perceive it when you are standing in front of it. So you can also find out the exact Location of the Treasures, but you don't have to muddle around senselessly beforehand, as it becomes invisible up close. You are only delaying something that is a bit annoying and unnecessary in the Long run. So, otherwise I can't think of anything great negative anymore, but I have to mention it again-it was an animal Fun for me! The Positive clearly prevails and who is not averse to such a Scenario ... Give the Game a Chance! More Fun than you might guess at first. ;) Game Gets a Game fun Rating of 87% roughly pried by me. If the Problems are fixed, it could be enough for the 90% in my Scoring box! ;D