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Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action! review
by deleted_675425

A neat flash game looking artstyle paired with some fast snappy combat. Encounters quickly escalate and become a lot to handle all at once, I know I got filtered after the 3rd boss.
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»

Other reviews4

Starts out fun but gets too insane to handle
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Game hard not to put in all hands. Do you love surpassing, retro and being a Superman worthy of a Sayan? Throw yourself under! Having started in normal and getting to stage 5 on the 7 at this time or I write, I can tell you that I have seen of all colors. Malgrer this short life (as at the time of metal slugs for those who have experienced ^^), replayability is very present. 3 characters with the choice of the start, the levels directly available and quite varied in the decorations but not in the cast of the enemies except the bosses that are just unforgettable (special mention for the dog pee.. XD). gameplay level, it's just EPIC (I play with an Xbox one controller). The 3 characters incarnables are different, the system of counter, Dodge, blow load or else to do a little life thanks to our panic gauge (kind of fury bar) are just wonderful and the keys editable in the options. A tutorial is present for beginners of the hardcore domain as well as a LOCAL co-op that I have not yet tested but which, I think, is strongly sympathetic although it is already difficult in solo saw that its already enough of everywhere (SSB genre). In short: a game of rare intensity that require a joystick and a perfect mastery of the combat system. Prepare to drool! :D Thank you for your attention:).
Translated by
Microsoft from French
My misunderstanding is total against the number of positive reviews of this brawler. It is poorly animated, the sprites used are disgusting, coarse, mat and above all reused. During the same "internship" the same pixelized background is used in the same way, you will see 600 times the same containers reused in each part of the map without blinking, posed there without an ounce of logic in the level design. The gameplay is approximate, with a physics completely non-existent so that the characters steal when they are banging without too much reason. The same music in a loop will break your ears, while your character will constantly shout the same unbearable onomatopoées at the height of 50x/min. in short, it is an auditory ordeal in addition to the rest. No history, a wave mode called arcade that gives you directly "in the bath". Soulless enemies, you must even type dogs (poor beasts) who wear a scarf and chew (excuse the term) lasers. Go to know, I have not tried to understand I preferred ALT + F4. So I see only one glory that was bestowed upon him in the past? Would it be a fossil unearthed by steam and glorified by nostalgic fans? Or the spiritual sequel to a legendary license? Or is it just me who is completely hermetic to the charms of this brawler/beat them all of 2013? You know, I'm going to pass my turn anyway. At your peril.