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Downwell review
by deleted_675425

A simple premise executed perfectly. Gameplay is simple and addicting and the minimalistic artstyle makes immersion easy.
«Just one more turn»

Other reviews6

«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
10/10 - The perfect time killer, started my roguelike/lite obsession. I am in love with the art style. Completed on PS4, Vita, Mobile. (Currently maxing out PC)
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
For its price, it's a great time killer. If you're looking for deep gameplay, look elsewhere. This is nothing more than a rogue-like arcade game to kill a few minutes with every now and then. The gameplay is smooth, and the concept is pretty neat with a single button used for jumping and for shooting, but the novelty wears off fast.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Short explanation: awesome game, random generated levels, each attempt is different, game with long-term motivation. Long explanation: I was looking for a game to overcome my 40 minutes bus time. Incidentally, I was looking for something similar to a rouge lite. I wanted the following criteria: long-term motivation motivation, random generated level. Well, when I played it, it was all there, but the developer got another shovel on it. Actually, I do not hear music from playing bus rides but with this music I would turn off my own music and listen to the game. There are also many PowerUps. There are game styles to unlock that give you an even longer feel. The good thing is you can play the game fast and come down quickly or slowly and each opponent kills what I personally like that I decide whether the round now takes 5 or 10 minutes. At some point I also started playing it at home. Bluetooth boxes are turned on extra for the music So the game is definitely worth 3.49 and I do not really spend money on games. #MustPlay
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Microsoft from Spain
Downwell is a charming game from its graphics to the controls and mechanics. Graphics are retro and minimalistic, with great use of the 3 only colors which compose the entire game. The palette can be changed with others that you'll be unlocking (gboy <3). Animations and effects are incredibly well done! Controls are great for a smartphone/tablet. I usually say that games which need a directional pad/joystick and several buttons don't fit in smartphones/tablets because virtual controls feel bad and inaccurate. But Downwell controls are simplified in just three big buttons: left, right and action (jump or shoot basically) placed at the bottom of the screen. Like in Kero Blaster, these simple controls feel good enough to enjoy the game even with virtual buttons. Mechanics are great. The game generates different caves each time you play, filled with platforms, destructible blocks and monsters. Your objective is to reach the bottom and get to the next level. Each time you reach the end of a level, you are offered 3 power ups of which you can choose one. Pressing the action button in mid air will make the character to shoot his machine gun downwards, which makes him to fall slower. This is key to succeed in doing combos (defeating monsters). There are also gems to collect that can make the character to become more powerful and they can be used in stores to buy HP and others. And that's it. At first it sounds strange, but after some games you'll get the concept and will want to reach further and to achieve great combos! You'll also unlock "styles", which modify the gameplay a bit, like you start with 6hp but only 2 power ups will be offered at the end of a level, etc. I'm really enjoying this game and I recommend it to everyone!