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LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 review
by Sasha_Cooper

Other reviews5

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Microsoft from Deutsch
After being very excited by the first Part of the Series (Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4), the second Part is an insane Disappointment. On the same Machine, it jerks in part, which is absolutely incomprehensible with this Graphic. That would be to be blurred if you didn't feel in the End that the Development Team just ran out of Time when it came to Storytelling and Mission Design. Compared to the first Part, sometimes it's not really clear what to do about the individual Missions, the Worlds are more cluttered and the more it goes towards the end, the faster the story is rushed through the Story.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
While Harry Potter: Years 1-4 was better, it's because I've played the Game for Years before I got 5-7. Graphics are much better and there are also more Places than just exploring the Dripping Cauldron, the Winkelgasse And the Nokturngasse. You can also go to the Forest of Harry Potter and the Sanctuaries of Death Part 1 and collect lots of golden & red Stones there. You can also explore more of Hogwarts and now you can also walk along Kings Cross Station and even walk to the Road that borders the Dripping Cauldron. I personally find the following Things a pity:-There is no longer a level editor-Some Characters have been changed by appearance-THE Spells have been extremely altered However, all in all I can recommend the Game, but only if you have previously played Lego HP:1-4 through.
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Microsoft from French
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