something doesn't quite fit here
Other reviews4
One of the smartest games out there and quite possibly the greatest immersive sim. I hope they make more like this in future.
Not sure exactly why, but the package doesn't quite all come together. The narrative structure leaves you with little connection to any character, since you never really "are" any of them. By the time you're on your final playthrough, you really just want to be done with the place.
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Very different gameplay when compared to the base game. There's a constant time pressure to keep going, which made me skip all the email reading and trying to avoid enemies. On the other hand the play style was more action oriented, as you probably will have a set goal which you will either meet or die. Luckily it won't matter much, as you can soon (or instantly if you wish) retry. Initially difficult, but gets easier as you progress and explore.