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Super Amazing Wagon Adventure review
by deleted_675425

A fun ride until you get absolutely shredded by enemies

Other reviews5

Simple in execution, but makes for an entertaining couple hours
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Microsoft from French
Simple game in its principle with an effective difficulty curve, several types of gameplay ranging from simple scrolling to survival. Humor is everywhere and it works well! Very adapted graphics, nice music (as long as we like the chiptun style) 8.5/10, because despite the random, it can be a bit boring, but only after 5h of game in a row.
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Microsoft from French
A very funny little game that revisiting the conquest of the West on the mode of a degenerate Atari shoot'em up 2600. However, it is not for its videogame qualities that one adheres to it but for its narration in random part which makes succeeding according to many branches the absurd situations described by hilarious text screens. Your cart will cross the space, go underwater, face a horde of buggly bison (voluntarily!), or a tribe of unicorns before your three characters die in atroy pain commented verbatim with cocked morbid details. It's stupid, but it works.
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Microsoft from French
Excellent game and concept! Super amazing wagon adventure is a really not banal game, and without saying that it is ugly or lacks ambitions it is true that the page of the store does not necessarily want to try it, but yet you are mistaken you are here in front of an excellent title! To quickly talk about the game itself, it is simply a shooter with a deliberately retro style that is in the graphics or the sound is all done to resemble one of his old Atari games, in a sense it's ugly but in another It's just minimalist enough to be pretty cool to watch and play. But while we'd be tempted to say "one more?" you have to know that in reality the game turns out to be very fun to browse, full of humor and has a little wacky and addictive side very nice. It's simple when you start playing this game you didn't know when you're going to stop so much fun on this title. So the game is already fun but the ability to "personalize" his adventure by creating the characters of our small team based on friends makes the adventure even funnier. Seeing his best friend die trampling by a bison or asphyxiating by the terrible smell of wild Skunk is totally stupid but what is it funny! Especially since the different events happens in a purely random way so in the end every adventure that you will live is in a unique sense. Sometimes two adventures will be similar but very often this will not be the case, especially since there are many possibilities all more surprising than others and mine of nothing even after more than 2 hours of play we still discover new things to do. It doesn't look like it's true but this little independent title has it in its belly and proves to be an excellent entertainment. I highly recommend you give it a chance, especially it is not expensive.