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Volgarr the Viking review
by deleted_675425

Balls to the wall hard, but super cool
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»

Other reviews5

Everything about this game is based except my inability to beat it
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Translated by
Microsoft from French
So I write this assessment when I am at the beginning; so likely to be modified but already I can issue a well-sliced opinion on this game that... Slice!!! Völgarr is big, it cuts and it does not in the lace! The game is very difficult and extremely punitive! It is also perfectly handy! This is very important because some games can be difficult because of poor handling but this is not the case. On the other hand, the difficulty is of the level of a Ghosts'n Goblins! No more or less... And you get touched almost twice and it's over! You start again from the beginning of the level! Also knowing that the "check-point" are even more spaced than in a Ghosts'n Goblins, which is even more difficult. On the other hand, there does not seem to be a limit of lives. So even if you have a lot of trouble getting a check-point, you won't have the disappointment of seeing a "game over" some time later. And this is happy! To summarize, if you are not very patient and you do not have a very good level in the skill games of this type go your way you may be disappointed because you risk the frustration. On the other hand, if the difficulty is not an obstacle and you are persistent, you may have fallen on a nugget! The possibilities of action are many: a shield allows you to counter the blows if you do not attack, we can send Spears that also serve to mount walls too high, etc... The game is also pretty nice (much more beautiful than the arcade games of the time) and the music perfectly adapted with drums in the style barbarian era... In short, an excellent game (and still I have not seen much) but I will have warned you about his difficulty!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Volgarr is a little Conan survitaminized to amphetamine. In fact, the guy we'd better not screw up as long as we have a little respect for his bones and for the can of our soul that will remain after who has made us our party. And yet, in this game the slightest sting of WaSP, the slightest bite of snake, the slightest touch of spider, the slightest titilling of Harpoon and I pass, you can go for a little cuckoo in Crom in Valhalla. Because you're going to die again and again like all good die and retry. Summarize this game in 3 words? Play, die, learn, play, die... And the most amazing, the most amazing thing is that I do not remember having really Rager on this game: you die? You're doing it again, point. I confess to my great shame that I succeeded in defeating the first boss only narrowly, and Bah it was Birch. (Because you have to tell the levels are hard to engrever). Some will notice the lack of backup (or also call checpoint), at the moment you see not so much gene facing the lack of backup but when you are not far from the end of the Dungeon and you die. A huge joy you invade because its ve say you can all redo. Well for me it is a reward for each player to succeed a game almost of a milking, while initially it was hard to kill 4 poor lizard men. The game may look a bit pricey but it's well worth being peanut-heavy. (Even though most people will play only 5 minutes before rage-quits). For the negatives, and much of a the game becomes from the heart at the end of a moment it is quite disturbing, we end up knowing each room, each pixel, a small pieces of metal (Airbourne) would go very well, but it is the choice of the developers after all , and also this game falls far too much in elitism, as if owning this game necessarily meant to be superior which is obviously not the case. Ah and last precision, better your for you to have a gamepad if you considered a purchase. On the keyboard it's just horrible. And now note: 13/20
A little clunky, but that's the point. When you get the sort of rhythm down and memorize the patterns of layout of each level, you feel pretty badass breezing through its unforgiving stages. 
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»