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Devil May Cry 2 review
by deleted_675425

So bad.
Combat feels floaty and has no impact, level design is downright boring, bosses are unmemorable and uninteresting and the story is complete nonsense.

Other reviews5

Not that bad.
It's not even lore game,just about Dante's adventure. Pretty good as useless dlc.
Have it own meme movement.Trigger is imbalanced:)
«Sit back and relax»
Just don't
I wrote an in-depth critique of this game (But is in spanish, sorry)

Pueden leerla aqui:

Parte 1:

Parte 2:
why is it that capcom feels the need to put out shitty games. they don't have to do it, but they DO. and they do it regularly
«Disappointment of the year»
«Waste of time»