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Overcooked! 2 review
by BecomingWizard

Other reviews10

Cute artstyle, fun soundtrack. This is one of those cooperative games that thrives on its own chaos. Level design is ingenious and frustrating at the same time.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
Crazy good to play with friends.

You will rage, laugh, have fun, get pissed, and will laugh again. It takes a lot of coordination and communication to get it right. Levels are challenging and the game puts a lot of new revenues and situations for you and your friends to unravel.

Level designs are cool. The art direction is either. I recommend it.
«Better with friends»
great party game, but best for people who play games.  its the good kind of stress.
One of the best games you can play with a romantic partner. Really tests your communication skills and patience. Don't forget to properly encourage each other!
«Better with friends»
Same deal as the first but I think the challenges are too easy in this one. I like the slightly updated art style. Still a fun couples game to play.

Final Score: B
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Microsoft from Deutsch
In my Opinion, a very fun, varied and entertaining Cooking Game. With Friends you can have a lot of Fun here. Either you throw them off with Food, or you push them down somewhere .. There are many Ways to trigger the others. But it's also fun if you play it very normally every now and then and just cook:D The only stupid thing about it is, you actually need at least one Friend to get the Game with you, because the online Matchmaking takes a really long time, because it hardly uses anyone and you can talk about Ts/Discord much better.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I play the Game together with a Girlfriend, alone the Game is also Fun, but together it plays really more Funny. We are almost through with the Game, but allow Ourselves time again, as at least the Story passed quickly for us, many Complex Levels and Recipes await those Chefs who have to fight against the Unbreads. The Chefs I find all especially Sweet (the Unicorn Is best).:D I nominated this Game For the Steam Award Better with Friends, because this Game can only get more fun (I really laughed with my Girlfriend in some Places) The more cooks there are, the more the Coordination missing, the Online Mode I would have liked, as many already in the first Part.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Having worked as a chef myself I can tell everyone that you won't find a more realistic simulation of life in a professional Kitchen than this game. Chaos, complete madness, people screaming at each other, the guy that just stands there lost in confusion, fires, a unicorn cutting salad I experienced it all in my professional life and in this game. Even the kitchen design is on par with my real life experience. Long ways from one station to the next, useless people wandering around in your way, and that sinkhole that Leeds to the abyss. Great fun and an absolute recommendation to everyone who has a couple of friends. And if the Dev guys read this: Great game just like the first one even better with online coop now. Well done. And I had this idea. How about including waiters in the third game. Guess that could be a fun addition as well and would add another level of team work. During my time as a real life chef it was always a challenge and kind of competition between chefs and servers. Could we cook faster than they can serve or them flooding us with orders, and we try to keep up. I guess one could make some kind of vs mod out of this. On one side you have to work together but you also want to be better than the other team. Just some random idea I got today. Keep up the good work.