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Ori and the Blind Forest review
by deleted_675425

A stunning experience
«Blew my mind»

Other reviews6

Fascinating game. I cannot recommend it enough.
«Blew my mind»
Just completed. Outstanding game play, beautiful graphics and cinematic and moderate difficulty. Most suitable for kids, no violence, sexual references, blood or any adult thing. Great job devs...
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
there's a bit too much "can i get here with careful platforming, or am i missing a power i'll later get" for my taste, but otherwise a great game
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Microsoft from Deutsch
"Ori and The Blind Forest" is a very special Game! Why is this so? That's what I'm telling you now! "What is" Ori and The Blind Forest "all About?" In "Ori and the Blind Forest" we slip into the Role of little Ori, who wants to save his Home – the Nibel forest – which is dying. On his Journey, Ori discovers the most diverse and beautiful Places in the Forest and has to face many Dangers and Threats. "Ori and The Blind Forest" is a very emotional Game and takes up the Motif of Sacrifice, Love, Hope and Friendship. "What makes Ori so special?" Ori knows how to convince in all Points: Let's start with the ingenious Atmosphere! The Art-style of the Game is beautiful. Everything was hand-drawn here, the Environments bring the Player to The last time during the 15-20 hour Season. The Animations, the Lighting as well as the Character Models are also beautiful. The Game itself is a 2D platformer light RPG aspect: So the Game has a Skill Tree. As a result, Ori is learning more and more Things throughout the Game. You can already see at the Beginning of the Game that Ori is a very sensitive and definitely not an overpowering Being: The Game is rock hard, but never unfair! With every Death you learn to do it and it is precisely in the Challenge that the Appeal of the Game lies! Once one has completed a Section that was initially considered almost unmanatable, the Feeling of Success, which spreads in the Body, is unrecognizable and it is precisely for this Reason that one wants to do more and more! Especially atmospheric Ori knows how to convince: Everything was hand-drawn, no Place was copied and where else was greeted again, so that every Inch of the Game is truly unique. The Art-style is simply incredibly beautiful and also the different Background Levels provide immersion and an Impression of Depth. In addition to the optical Aspects, the Audio backdrop is also right: The Ambient Sounds in the Game are very versatile and the Soundtrack by Gareth Coker is definitely one of the best and most emotional I've ever heard in a Game! "So worth it" Ori the Blind Forest, "or wat?" I can actually recommend the Game to everyone: For the 20 Euros you get one of the most challenging and wonderful Games ever! "Ori and the Blind Forest" creates what most Games don't manage: It captivated me directly, I could identify with all The Characters, and the Game manages to convey values and Norms that are partly forgotten today! The Game is a Masterpiece, I had to use a Handkerchief in two Places to remove Pipi from sight. This Game will remain in My mind for a long time to come! Overall Rating: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● (100%)-An absolute Mandatory purchase!