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Meet Your Maker review
by xXWoodinatorXx

Only played two raids to start. My initial impressions are this is going to be a game that sounds more fun than it ends up being. I’ll give it a go though. 

Played a few more raids. It was okay. There is a bit of a fun challenge in memorizing and figuring out how to escape these trap filled mazes. But it’s feeling repetitive pretty quick. The game is going to need to have a good progression system to make it feel like it isn’t doing the same thing over and over.

I actually enjoyed building my first base. It might get old pretty quick and if people don’t end up raiding it that will be boring but I had a good time setting up the first one. Hope I kill a bunch of raiders trying to steal my genMat!!!

I’m liking it a bit more. Some of the peoples builds have been really good. Lots of mind games going on in this apocalypse Indiana Jones style game.

It’s more fun raiding the mid tier bases. Some of these peoples creations are incredible.

It’s continuing to grow on me. I had to accept defeat against my first raid. Tried like 50 times and didn’t even make it past the first chamber. Who know what other hellish designs remained. It was nuts. The guy thought of everything.

I’ve been having fun with both raiding and building bases but I feel like it may be close to its end. I’m at the point where a lot of bases feel similar. I’m getting used to most of the tricks. And I like building bases but not enough to really make a labarynth like these pros are doing. 

Ya I’m going to call it and end it on A high note before I get bored of it. I may return in the future if they continue to support it and a bunch of new content is added. Probably not, I say this lots and rarely do, but maybe. Ends a high B.

Final Score: B