I played through Sifu twice. The first time, I reached the final boss of the game, but could not defeat him. Eventually, I gave up and moved on to another game. However, this game always stuck with me. Why couldn't I defeat the final boss? The game mechanics are very sound. I did not feel cheated. When I failed, it was MY failure, not the game.
More than a year later and I have returned to Sifu. This time, it felt different. I was different. I finally understood what I was missing.
I beat that final boss.
Then it dawned on me: I am Sifu.
More than a year later and I have returned to Sifu. This time, it felt different. I was different. I finally understood what I was missing.
I beat that final boss.
Then it dawned on me: I am Sifu.
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»
Other reviews6
The graphics look nice, and the story is interesting and short, but this combat is annoying me so much. I know I'm not very good at fighting games, but come on, the bosses spam so much that you can barely do anything! You can't even break someone's guard in this game. And the controls are weird, I've never seen controls like this before. The combos don't even work most of the time. Now that I've said all this, I don't know if I would recommend this game to anyone :))
«Waste of time»
«Oh God i managed it»
Concise Review:
It’s fucking cool.
Journal Review:
Very cool start. The combat feels awesome. I like the structure of the game. I think I’m going to have a great time with Sifu based on my early impressions.
The levels look very nice. I like the style.
This game is cool.
Sifu is awesome.
Wow this game is great. The levels are so creative and the gameplay is phenomenal. I think it has to be my favourite hand to hand melee focused combat I’ve ever played. I know weapons and items are a thing but they are temporary. It’s so good. It all flows so well together. It fucking rocks.
The squats was awesome. Then the club was even better. Then somehow the museum was even better! The museum is one of the coolest levels I’ve played in a game in a while. Tower I thought was a bit worse but still not bad and sanctuary is a lot shorter but still cool vibes. I have made it to the final boss but got whooped very quickly.
Wow final boss is kicking my ass. I’ve also realized my shrines I chose are not good for the final boss. All my takedown health regains are useless at that point. I wish I realized earlier on that I should have been upgrading the one that increases structure gain on parries. I don’t think it’s worth trying to redo the club and museum runs over again though. I’m 46 starting the sanctuary which I think is quite good. I honestly don’t know how long it would take to pull that off again so I think I’m sticking with my bad shrines for the final boss but we will see.
Beat the final boss. Super hard but very satisfying by the end. Loved this game. Now on to the arena challenges.
Arena challenges are pretty sweet so far. I love how they are semi based on some famous movies or scenes. At least some are. I recognize Drive and the matrix so far but I know I’m missing others.
There are actually a ton of challenges. It’s a lot of content. That’s pretty cool.
I prefer the challenges that are just about staying young rather than getting a high score or time trial. The game shouldn’t be rushed. Kung fu masters don’t rush. That’s my only minor complaint about the arenas.
Actually some of the camera angles in the arena maps are occasionally annoying. They are going for different angles to replicate movies which is cool, but not always as fun gameplay-wise.
Okay that’s enough Arenas for now. I may come back at a later date to play more. Sifu was great.
Final Score: A-
It’s fucking cool.
Journal Review:
Very cool start. The combat feels awesome. I like the structure of the game. I think I’m going to have a great time with Sifu based on my early impressions.
The levels look very nice. I like the style.
This game is cool.
Sifu is awesome.
Wow this game is great. The levels are so creative and the gameplay is phenomenal. I think it has to be my favourite hand to hand melee focused combat I’ve ever played. I know weapons and items are a thing but they are temporary. It’s so good. It all flows so well together. It fucking rocks.
The squats was awesome. Then the club was even better. Then somehow the museum was even better! The museum is one of the coolest levels I’ve played in a game in a while. Tower I thought was a bit worse but still not bad and sanctuary is a lot shorter but still cool vibes. I have made it to the final boss but got whooped very quickly.
Wow final boss is kicking my ass. I’ve also realized my shrines I chose are not good for the final boss. All my takedown health regains are useless at that point. I wish I realized earlier on that I should have been upgrading the one that increases structure gain on parries. I don’t think it’s worth trying to redo the club and museum runs over again though. I’m 46 starting the sanctuary which I think is quite good. I honestly don’t know how long it would take to pull that off again so I think I’m sticking with my bad shrines for the final boss but we will see.
Beat the final boss. Super hard but very satisfying by the end. Loved this game. Now on to the arena challenges.
Arena challenges are pretty sweet so far. I love how they are semi based on some famous movies or scenes. At least some are. I recognize Drive and the matrix so far but I know I’m missing others.
There are actually a ton of challenges. It’s a lot of content. That’s pretty cool.
I prefer the challenges that are just about staying young rather than getting a high score or time trial. The game shouldn’t be rushed. Kung fu masters don’t rush. That’s my only minor complaint about the arenas.
Actually some of the camera angles in the arena maps are occasionally annoying. They are going for different angles to replicate movies which is cool, but not always as fun gameplay-wise.
Okay that’s enough Arenas for now. I may come back at a later date to play more. Sifu was great.
Final Score: A-
Excellent visuals and haptics. Love the revenge story. Not a fan of the replay-ability and balance of the game.
This game has strong fighting gameplay with amazing animations, but suffers from severe difficulty and monotonous tasks.
- Amazing fighting animation
- If you catch the rhytm, you will feel yourself as a true master
- Very stylish
- Great OST
- Repetetive
- Grindy
- Severe difficulty on a few moments
- Bugs
- Story is extremely simple, even though it has good lore
Overall i had fun with this game, but in the final mission i wanted this game to end sooner because of the factors described above.
7 / 10.
- Amazing fighting animation
- If you catch the rhytm, you will feel yourself as a true master
- Very stylish
- Great OST
- Repetetive
- Grindy
- Severe difficulty on a few moments
- Bugs
- Story is extremely simple, even though it has good lore
Overall i had fun with this game, but in the final mission i wanted this game to end sooner because of the factors described above.
7 / 10.