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Party Animals review
by xXWoodinatorXx

Clear fall guys inspiration or rip off depending how you look at it. But then again I don’t even know if fall guys was the first but the wobbly, purposefully awful controls is falls guys like. Only played a few rounds with Mel and it was fun for a bit. I wish it had a bit more to it. It seems like it’s pretty simplistic. I’d guess I only mess around a handful of times.

Okay it clicked and it was partly due to Mel and partly due to me getting a better feel for the controls. It’s a fun time though. Definitely some great comical sequences.

Still having fun with it for longer than I expected I would. It’s a great game to take turns playing with Mel.

And that’s enough, but hey, fun game for a few evenings which is all I expected.

Final Score: B

Other reviews3

I would've loved this game if the developers didn't make it so that you are controlling a bag of soup with a huge delay between you pressing the keys and the actions being played.

A lot of things in this game is random:
Your punch knocking out the other player even though it was a direct punch? Random
Amount of time it takes to die in the poisonous gas or the freezing water? Random
Chances of your character grabbing the wall normally or making a nose dive while swimming? Random
Your teammate being an actual human or a bot? Random but its more likely that you'll get a bot.

The game is kinda fun when you play with friends since the delay filled wobbly controls sometimes lead to funny moments happening but that's about it. If you want to get better at the game forget about it since the devs are actively fighting against removing mechanics from this game.

I wish this game was more consistent, I really wanted to like it.
«Waste of time»
«Waste of time»