Light theme

Teardown review
by xever

Good campaign, that I think lacks some destruction usage over time with more blast tools appearing. But anyway, I completed it with pleasure. Additional art campaign is boring. Mods are okayish.
8 voxels of 10

Other reviews4

This is a fun game. Love the planning and concepts of using vocal destruction. I'm not a huge fan of the time limit though. I ran into a point where every job had an alarm timer and it just got old. It would be nice to have ways around that or ways of prolonging it to make the window less tight. 
so much more than it seems at first.

Teardown mixes elements of Doom, Deus Ex, Half-Life, Thief, and Hitman into a perfect storm of emergent gameplay. 

it pushes you to think outside the box, and wants you to push back against it. a massive sleeper hit!
This game is half relaxed and calm, and half frantic and heart-pounding, and I don't know which half I like more