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Pizza Tower review
by xXWoodinatorXx

Played the first couple levels. Weird visual style to the game. 

I’m still early on I’ve only beaten 2 or 3 levels and then tomato boss. But that’s at least an hour and a bit because it’s a hard game. Right now I’m not liking pizza tower that much. It’s not clicking. I can’t tell why people loved this game and reviewed it so well. My opinion could easily change as I’m still very early on. I don’t dislike the art style but I also wouldn’t say I like it either.

The boss fights are my favourite parts. Just beat the western boss fight. It was great but I still don’t really like the normal levels all that much. I will probably call it quits soon.

Beat one more boss and I’m done. It didn’t really click for me.

Final Score: B

Other reviews4

like playing a cartoon network series from my childhood
One of the best game I've ever played.
The characters, the tight gameplay, the humor, animations, all are perfect. And the best game OST I've listened to this day!

Truly a must-play.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Completed as of writing this review: Base Game

Wanted to play this game since SAGE2019 demo. Thanks to my friends I got it for my birthday and I'm so grateful to them, because this game rocks! The retail version looks so different from the demo all the way back and for the better. I can't think of the negatives here. I don't even want to say that this game is kinda short because I see the effort done by developers. The gameplay is as amazing as it always was and the art-style is what I love and one of the reasons I wanted this game so bad, as I adore how much of it is inspired by 90's cartoons. The genre of the soundtrack is also outstanding, the one I really like. All around a great game for it's price and I recommend everybody to check it out!

Update - Thoughts after getting All Achievements:
This game rules! After going for 100% (and still getting 99% Tower Status lol) I'd say I'm still satisfied with this game and I appreciate it even more because of how clever the design of the levels are. P-rank wasn't even that stressful to be completely honest, only in Peppibot Factory and Gnome Forest I had a tough time, because of some enemies and one moment in the factory which made me fail and start all over again. I still love the soundtrack, the bosses, the stages and I still think this game is a solid 9.5! Even though some achievements required a lot of focus and skill, it was all justified because it was always fair. No bugs, no crashes, none of the problems. Play this game if you haven't already!
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»