Light theme

Have a Nice Death review
by xXWoodinatorXx

I’m about 5 ish hours in and overall I am liking it. It’s very solid. The art style and theme is great. I love the grim reaper office burnout storyline. That’s funny and clever. I think the character movement and combat is solid. It feels like I have barely scratched the surface with how many scythes, cloak weapons and spells there are. On an individual run I think the build variety and build progression is decent. Not amazing but it’s pretty good. I’m trying some new strategies and the curse modifiers make a big impact. My main complaint so far is I wish there was some more permanent progression. The game makes it seem like the pristium currency is used for permanent upgrades but it isn’t. Thats my main issue currently. How is it worth upgrading the shop for an extra item slot only for it to be gone next run? I’m supposed to spend my most valuable resource for an opportunity to buy another item? Which I still need to pay for? It doesn’t really seem balanced.

11 ish hours in. Finally got my first “successful” run. But it isn’t really a full run. You beat the war major and then death gets a glimpse of a beach vacation (funny, I’ve been playing while on vacation in Hawaii…kind of perfect) before getting kicked back to the start. My build was really good as you would expect. I had a fully upgraded twin scythe, level 2 bees and the peace spell that gives a bit more health and mana. Plus I had lots of critical hit curses. It was a great combo. Game is currently a low B+, it could continue to climb though. Probably won’t make top 10 2D games but likely an honourable mention. It’s fun, it’s really solid across the board, but there is something slightly missing to push it to the next level for me. For now at least.

Beat time and got actual final credits on my very next run using a completely different build, which is a good sign in a rogue light. This time I used this boulder raining spell and combo’d it with lighting and butterfly curses that landed on hits. It worked well. Easy to maintain distance.

I googled and know there is a secret final boss, life. It sounds cool but I think I’m good. It took me 18 runs and 13.5 hrs to beat this game. There are still lots of weapons and spells I havnt unlocked yet. And harder difficulties to try. But I think I’m good. I liked this game. Didn’t really love it though. I don’t need to overdo it. Maybe I’ll come back again sometime, but as usual, I doubt it.

Final Score: B+

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