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Richie's Plank Experience review
by xever

Цell as you can see on YouTube it's really intriguing experience, but nothing more special than that for the price. 6/10

Other reviews6

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Relatively simply knitted Demo. You drive up an Elevator with four Storeys. On each Floor, the Exit flows directly outside, so that in VR the impression of large Height is created. Quite impressive for People with Fear of Host. For 8Euro And the graphic On offer, it is too expensive and therefore not recommended. If it were offered for free, it is still worth a Look.
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Microsoft from French
My first VR game. When I saw the concept of the Board, I thought that at the immersive level, it had to put in the bath. And bingo, it's very very impressive to see the reactions of each one once facing the "void". Take the trouble to put a real Board and calibrate it. It's bluing. The modes "walk between the buildings" + "delivery Santa Claus" is very nice too. For €15, it's really a good buy.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review In many Videos I've always thought to myself, "oh so bad can't be, after all, finally go on the Plank!" But when I stood up I first got sweat hands getting haha:D. But I just find the Price too expensive. I'm not going to return the Game because there's a real Wow effect, especially for newcomers. Even my Father of Video Games or other things at all didn't like it had to laugh properly when he was on the Plank, because even he got some high anxiety.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review I say yes! Some find it expensive but it is a fair price in my opinion. Especially if you compare to other clearly abused titles. Here at least there is a real VR experience to be made. Put on the helmet, climb in the elevator and try to traverse this beam with a no alert... A very good app to make discover one of the interesting facets of VR. As a surprise, the possibility of flying over the city with the rockets is very pleasant, it comes to be Superman. After WIndlands and his grapples, we became another superhero. Of course the graphics are very basic, but it is not the salt of the game/
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review This is the best VR Experience at the Vive!! Of Course, this is not a Game with Story and High-end Graphics. But it uses the Vive as the Instrument it is: To bring a Machine to The User in SItuations that he would otherwise not be able to experience. BItte will please you and get a real Bar before you play. Super innovative Way to measure out the Bar and integrate it perfectly into the Game. DAs makes a huge Difference! Flying tops the already extreme Feeling of Height again! For the Music (and also the Sound Effects) You also have to applaud the creator of the Game. Please continue to expand the Game. It can only get better. KUREA People, buy!!!