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Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk review
by meeru

(warning: very small, vague slight spoiler maybe?) beautiful visuals. great writing. great sound. great mental health representation w out a stupid predictable recovery happy ending that is so far from how it really feels to heal mental health. theres no cure and it doesnt go away fully suddenly, and never come back. it fluctuates, sometimes more sometimes less. and through it all u also have to live with yourself and your guilt for being mentally unwell. this game shows that. properly.

Other reviews2

Milk 2 is a significant improvement over its predecessor. The writing and visuals received a huge jump in quality. There were also some scenes that really pulled on the heartstrings. Multiple interesting endings to go for which helps with replay value. Milk 2 is 100% worth the asking price.
«That ending!»
«Beaten more than once»