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Wreckfest review
by BloodScorchedSun

This is a very fun derby/racing game. We don't really get these kinds of games anymore, at least for consoles, so it's nice to have this. The game plays good and it's fun to wreck each other and watch your car get ridiculously crushed and still be able to drive. Only thing I wasn't a fan of was the gating off of certain regions and grades of cars especially when you can't get too much early on to even qualify for some.

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how the fricking frick do you get the raiden bullshit car
Journal Style Review:

FH4 fucked up and won’t work anymore but I still want to play a racing game these days. Wreckfest seems like my type of game because I love the idea of the destruction. First impressions is that the driving feels worse than FH4 unfortunately. I hope with better cars it ends up feeling better but I might have to accept that FH4 has the best feel to it and everything else is going to come up short.

I’m enjoying the demolition game modes. I don’t know how long lasting they will be but the first few games have been fun and different.

This game is so so. It has some pretty fun moments when you have a good race and the chaos and collisions work out. But the driving itself just feels so so and the race tracks are pretty basic. 

Here is my main problem with this game. The most fun races and moments are the ones where you are in the middle of the pack and not doing well.
If you are actually winning then the tracks are boring and the cars don’t handle well enough for the thrill of the drive to be enough. The joy is from crashing and passing other racers.

I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed the FH4 rewind feature. It made the game so stress free which was nice. Wreckfest gets annoying occasionally because the cars handle like they are driving on ice and you can spin out and fuck up a whole race.

Fun for a while but becomes repetitive. I don’t really like how the vehicles handle so the act of racing isn’t fun, especially because lots of tracks are boring. The enjoyment comes from ramming other cars and taking them out on corners etc. That enjoyment isn’t enough.

Final Score: B
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I allow myself to praise this Game to heaven. Unfortunately, not very many People play this Game in Multiplayer mode. That's a shame, because it's crazy fun! Wreckfest is a physics Simulation inside. You can see That very clearly in the impressive Races, of course. Tire Stacks at the Edge of the Track are swirled wildly but physically correct when Touched, Signs and track Limits crumble and spread out on the Track. The Cars break down into Individual Parts. All Parts remain movable throughout The race and are whirled around again and again. At the End of a Race, the Track looks like the Backyard of a dubious Car Salesman. I settle the Driving physics somewhere between Arcadic and Simulation. However, the rather superficial Setup of the Cars already allows for some noticeable Changes in Handling. The Handling of the Cars with each other is also quite different. There are a few technical Bugs here and there, but they do not cloud the fun Of The Game, and suitable. Just annoying for an ambitious Server operator. The Price in the current Early Access alone is fierce. There's no Excuse for Bugbear ... Makes the Game cheaper, so €19.99. Then the Servers get fuller. Nevertheless, as an old Destruction Derby Lover, this Game is simply a Mandatory Purchase!