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Under The Waves review
by BloodScorchedSun

This is a beautiful game that is very nice to explore. It can be a little too real sometimes but has enough levity to not make it too depressing. The story itself is fairly basic but what I found really hurt it was the voice acting and writing. There are times when it's fine but others the dialogue is so stilted and just poorly written. Overall the gameplay is relaxing but it can get clunky. Also constantly entering and exiting the sub to collect items got old quick. There is literally a research function built in to unlock new upgrades and items. Couldn't add a sub arm module? I also ran into a few crashes and with a bad autosave system I found myself having to replay a decent chunk of a level. There was another section that bugged out, locking the door to leave. Overall though I enjoyed my time with the game and loved swimming alongside the sea life. 
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