It feels good playing that game. And what a OST!
«Blew my mind»
«OST on repeat»
Other reviews15
Completed as of writing this review: Base Game and Post-Game.
Maybe I’m a bit too late to the party but this didn’t stop me from thinking that this game is a good little arcade experience worth checking out! The genre is new to me, so it was kinda hard at first to get used to. But once I got the hang of it, it was really cool to just kill everyone on sight. Of course I’m against violence in real life but here it feels satisfying just because this game is really dependent on reflexes. And the crunchy sound after killing just makes this all better. The lore I don’t really care for, I just thought it was a good time even though a bit frustrating at times because the AI is very weird. Sometimes they are too smart, sometimes they are too dumb. So this makes being killed by literally the last enemy more rage-inducing. But still, due to this game’s uniqueness (arguably), I can’t really judge it, since it’s also the first entry. And really weird seeing this kind of game released so early, which is probably why it’s so known to the public. If you didn’t play this already, I highly recommend you to do so. Though be aware that it can feel too hard, so don’t feel bad about losing many times.
Maybe I’m a bit too late to the party but this didn’t stop me from thinking that this game is a good little arcade experience worth checking out! The genre is new to me, so it was kinda hard at first to get used to. But once I got the hang of it, it was really cool to just kill everyone on sight. Of course I’m against violence in real life but here it feels satisfying just because this game is really dependent on reflexes. And the crunchy sound after killing just makes this all better. The lore I don’t really care for, I just thought it was a good time even though a bit frustrating at times because the AI is very weird. Sometimes they are too smart, sometimes they are too dumb. So this makes being killed by literally the last enemy more rage-inducing. But still, due to this game’s uniqueness (arguably), I can’t really judge it, since it’s also the first entry. And really weird seeing this kind of game released so early, which is probably why it’s so known to the public. If you didn’t play this already, I highly recommend you to do so. Though be aware that it can feel too hard, so don’t feel bad about losing many times.
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
I thought this would be perfect in steam deck, and isn’t awful, but it feels like it should be mouse and keyboard. It’s hard to free aim I find. The story has been keeping me more interested than the gameplay.
Beat it and honestly I was disappointed. The gameplay wasn’t that fun and the story in the end I didn’t really get.
Final Score: B-
Beat it and honestly I was disappointed. The gameplay wasn’t that fun and the story in the end I didn’t really get.
Final Score: B-
With its techno visuals and pulsating music, 'Hotline Miami' is one of the goriest and sleekest games you can play. Offering a tempting challenge with responsive controls, when you are able to pull off a combo for an entire stage it feels so fluid. Combining the fast-paced nature of a top-down twin-stick shooter with an enigmatic puzzle game, Hotline Miami is at its best when learning through failure and not by taking it slow.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
Super fast, super vicious, super hard and the OST is insanely good
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Everyone will tell you about the pounding soundtrack and the heart pounding gameplay. But few will talk of the subtle masterful story that is told in such a bold cryptic way and changes the way you interpret subsequent playthroughs.
This is one of those games I've bought and played multiple times I love it so much. The top notch soundtrack, the edge of your seat difficulty, the frustration of dying over and over to finally achieve triumph. It's 😘👌
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»