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Rocket League review
by dragunove18

Loved it, till Epic Games did something to the servers and i have a frequent lag of around every 4 to 5 seconds. It makes it unplayable. RIP one of my favorite games, you gave me great memories

Other reviews17

Best car soccer game currently on the market.
Rocket League is a great game with a great community. Everyone is friendly and encouraging every step of the way. 
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
good game. hard to master. fun to play with friends
Literally the best game ever to be made.
«Can’t stop playing»
Playing this game with the homies at midnight is the perfect night. I find myself always coming back to this game because of how simple yet complex the gameplay is and that I can play cross-platform with friends. Although it's coming out as a free-to-play, it truly is worth the $20 buy-in.
Amazing party and social game
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